
  1. T

    Progression Of Clogged Arteries Reduced By Soy Proetein In Women Within 5 Years Of Me

    A new study published in the November 2011 issue of Stroke reveals some promising data on the positive effects of soy protein reducing the progression of clogged arteries in women who were within five years of menopause. This study was the largest and longest randomized controlled human study...
  2. A

    I have se c905 and its wifi and bluetooth rang become very reduced?

    its WiFi and Bluetooth rang become very low i don't know whats wrong so can any 1 guide me what to do to make it right.?
  3. T

    Stroke Severity Reduced By Omega-3s

    A diet rich in omega-3s reduces the severity of brain damage after a stroke, according to a study conducted by Université Laval researchers. The team, co-directed by professors Jasna Kriz and Frédéric Calon, showed that the extent of brain damage following a stroke was reduced by 25% in mice...
  4. T

    Catheter Infections In Dialysis Patients Reduced By Acne-Treating Antibiotic

    Antibiotics can help ward off serious bacterial infections in kidney disease patients who use tubes called catheters for their dialysis treatments. But if antibiotics are used too often, "super bugs" may crop up that are resistant to the drugs. A new randomized controlled clinical trial has...
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    Study Of Strength Training For Seniors Finds Increased Muscle Strength, Reduced Muscu

    People lose 30% of their muscle strength between the ages of 50 and 70 years. However, maintaining muscle strength in old age is enormously important in order to maintain mobility and to be able to lead an independent life and manage everyday tasks independently. In the current issue of...
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    Pre-eclampsia Risk Significantly Reduced With L-arginine And Antioxidant Vitamin Diet

    Pre-eclampsia, which affects approximately 1 in every 20 first time pregnancies, could be prevented if high risk pregnant women started taking a dietary supplement containing L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins during their 20th week of pregnancy, researchers from La Universidad Nacional...
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    Unnecessary Imaging Exams In Emergency Rooms Reduced By CD Image Import

    Each year, more than two million critically ill patients are transferred from one hospital emergency department (ED) to another for appropriate care. With the ability to successfully import data from a CD-ROM containing the patient's diagnostic medical images, hospitals may be able to...
  8. E

    Atheists, can all the "end times prophecies" be reduced to these things?

    1) So general that there is no way to know whether there is an increase of something (e.g. how can we tell whether more kids have been disrespectful to their parents over time?) 2) Probability is in favor of an outcome (e.g. more people would be against the church. This is likely since the...
  9. W

    Dialogue sound is reduced and background is loud on a DVD...?

    The talking in the DVD has a very reduced sound- you can just barely hear it at full volume. The background music is normal. When the two go together, you can't hear the dialogue at all. This is a standard DVD that's worked on other players, this is the first time I've played it on my new...
  10. M

    Internet speed reduced while torrents downloaded...?

    Well, i'm sure this is not the very 1st time this is posted... I use "mTorrent".When the programm is running,no matter if i download 1 or 2 files, no matter the download speed, internet explorer goes so slow-it's practically unfunctionable... even with easy pages... Is there a simple way to fix...
  11. Z

    I need this recipe reduced down alot to about 5 pounds of sugar?

    75 lb. plain white corn meal 300 lb. sugar 1 lb. yeast 300 gallons of water
  12. T

    Lung Cancer In Women Bucks National Trend Towards Reduced Cancer Death Rates, Austral

    New research shows Australian women are dying from lung cancer at increasing rates, defying a trend towards lower death rates for all other cancers and strengthening the case for plain packaging of tobacco products, Cancer Council Australia said today. Commenting on the Australian Institute of...
  13. C

    Should people that home school pay a reduced property tax since they do not use...

    ...public school resources? How about people who pay for private school?
  14. T

    Can Product-Container Interactions Be Reduced? FDA Expert Review Scientist To Discuss

    On 8th March 2011, FDA Expert Review Scientist, Ingrid Markovic, will discuss how product-container interactions can be reduced when developing new formulation at the Innovation in Pre-Filled Syringes and Injectable Technologies conference. In an article by Direct News, it was stated that...
  15. S

    Has the presence of the Islam followers in Europe reduced the friction...

    ...between Judaism and Christianity...? Has the presence of the Islam followers in Europe and America reduced the friction between Judaism and Christianity and between Protestants and Catholics?
  16. I

    R&S ATHEISTS: Now that science and logic have reduced 'christianity' to...

    ...hollow rhetoric and unsubstantiated? assertions, do you think the religion will fold its tent and slink off into the night or will its adherents try to come up with some new idea to maintain the fiction?
  17. A

    DVD playback: quality reduced?

    Why do DVDs quality get substantially reduced when played on my pc. They always look good on my TV but on my pc they would look like R5 copies. Are there any software that can fix this?
  18. T

    Suicide Rates Significantly Reduced By Air Force Prevention Program

    The U.S. Air Force Suicide Prevention Program (AFSPP) has reduced suicide rates significantly since it was launched in 1996, according to a new study that examined almost three decades of data. "The enduring public health message from 12 years of this program is that suicide rates can be...
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    Mother-To-infant HIV Infection Reduced By Novel Pouch

    By using medications packaged just like fast-food ketchup, HIV-positive mothers in developing countries can more easily provide protection to newborn babies born at home. Biomedical engineers at Duke University have developed an inexpensive and easy-to-use system that allows mothers to give...
  20. S

    If consumption is reduced, what happens to the natural real interest rate?

    Suppose households decide to reduce consumption. This reduction in consumption will cause which of the following to occur? 1. the natural real interest rate to fall 2. ambiguous effects on the natural real interest rate 3. the natural real interest rate to rise 4. no effect on the natural real...