
  1. T

    Receiving Vaccine For Pneumonia By Men Not Linked With Reduced Risk Of Heart Attack,

    Men 45 years or older who received pneumococcal vaccine were not less likely to have a heart attack or stroke compared to men who did not receive the vaccine, according to a study in the May 5 issue of JAMA. Hung Fu Tseng, Ph.D... More...
  2. T

    Exercise Associated With Reduced Effects Of Obesity Gene In Teens

    Performance of an hour or more of physical activity per day by adolescents is associated with control of body weight even among those who are genetically predisposed to obesity, according to a report in the April issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives...
  3. T

    Penn Collaboration Suggest Antidepressants May Change Personality, Leading To Reduced

    Examining data obtained from a University of Pennsylvania and Vanderbilt University psychology study, researchers at these universities and Northwestern University have reported the first placebo-controlled evidence that antidepressant medications - particularly selective serotonin reuptake...
  4. T

    Association Between Reduced Risk Of Diabetes And Regularly Drinking Coffee, Decaf An

    Drinking more coffee (regular or decaffeinated) or tea appears to lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to an analysis of previous studies reported in the December 14/28 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, JAMA (1). By the year 2025, approximately 380 million individuals...
  5. U

    Now that President Obama has successfully reduced the unemployment rate, will...

    ...Conservatives stop whining?
  6. T

    Swine Flu Transmission Could Be Reduced By 21 Percent By School Closure

    A survey carried out in eight European countries has shown that closing schools in the event of an infectious disease pandemic could have a significant role in reducing illness transmission. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Infectious Diseases compared opportunities for...
  7. S

    Why does a guilty plea, deserve a reduced sentence?

    I've just read this story, The judge say's he's taken into account several things, the guys age, first time offender and his guilty plea. Do you think the scumbags age had more to do with the sentence handed down to him. 8...
  8. D

    Hiking boots cost $150/pair are reduced by 40%. By what % must the special price be

    increased to bring the? price back to $150? (round to the nearest %) (show work)
  9. H

    Have you ever been reduced to playing minesweeper because the internet isn't working?

    maybe I should have done some work instead
  10. D

    Let's say your state sales tax was reduced by 1 cent?

    but once reduced you were required to pay sales tax on every thing you bought including food. Would you consider that a tax cut? Would that actually save you money?
  11. G

    How much percentage will a total drive size be reduced when converted to an

    image (i.e. using Ghost Image)? My 300 gb drive got damaged. If I were to convert it to an image using Ghost Image ( or a better program u suggest), what percentage reduction should i expect? I need this info so I can purchase an appropriate-sized flash drive or utilize another hard drive to...
  12. C

    engine power reduced?

    I changed the battery on my chevy cobolt and there is a message on the console said engine power reduced the engine runs half power. Now what!!!!
  13. G

    Apple Warns Resellers of Reduced iMac Availability: New Models On the Way? [Apple]

    AppleInsider reports that Apple has begun warning resellers that new orders for the high-end 24-inch iMac may not be filled due to decreasing supplies. Let's look at what we know about a possible iMac refresh. We'd heard rumblings before, but if true, this warning is a pretty clear indication...
  14. B

    Number of e-mails reduced per day (per hour) for ATT sbcglobal Yahoo. What

    are those limits? Recent change.? I have been sending a positive message of the day for years. Now this week my e-mails seem to more limited on how many I can send at a time. What are the limits per hour or per day?
  15. M

    What causes pain and reduced extension of the wrist?

    There is no swelling, redness or trauma. Pain occurs when lifting things up, or holding things in a certain way. The pain is remitting and relapsing. Extension is considerably reduced compared to the other wrist. The sufferer has a desk-based job.