
  1. Y

    What do gay people think about age gaps in relationships?

    I heard gay men don't like older men or something? How about lesbians do they prefer to stay in their age group or do they not mind a large age gap. I KNOW YOU CAN'T SPEAK FOR ALL BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. I'm pretty sure you've heard some things
  2. R

    Need help with relationships?

    Every time I date a guy, I get so hyper and nervous. Dating a guy distracts me both from work and school. Like the first time I dated a guy I was working and got fired. The second time I dated another guy I also got fired from the job, because I was screwing around with the internet spending too...
  3. N

    Do people really care about only looks, humor and money in relationships now?

    Noticed yahoo had a poll with these three choices, and I notice how many say that is what they look for but aren't these sort of superficial? Especially the humor choice.
  4. J

    Are gay relationships practical, fulfilling, successful, and etc?

    I am bisexual, and although I do really like a girl I know one day that it is possible that I might date a guy. I am sixteen but I fear if I were to ever fall in love with a guy and we were in a relationship it would just be futile. I have read that most homosexual relationships aren't faithful...
  5. C

    dictatorship in relationships?

    My boyfriend is considered to be "old school"... at age 19... I am turning 20 soon, and I consider myself to be a well brought up and presentable young lady. dress appropriately for occasions, hardly ever show my skin/ shoulders, in college as an engineering major, professional outlook on life...
  6. M

    What do you guys think of Gemini and Cancer relationships?

    I have been seeing a lot of them :) and I am going out with a Gemini/Cancer cusp!! We get along great.. I think Gemini's and Cancers make a loving relationship!! :) I'm a cancer. Me - Cancer sun Him Gemini/cancer sun Aries moon Virgo moon Leo Venus Gemini Venus...
  7. M

    What do you guys think of Gemini and Cancer relationships?

    I have been seeing a lot of them :) and I am going out with a Gemini/Cancer cusp!! We get along great.. I think Gemini's and Cancers make a loving relationship!! :) I'm a cancer. Me - Cancer sun Him Gemini/cancer sun Aries moon Virgo moon Leo Venus Gemini Venus...
  8. P

    Are you FOR or AGAINST Interracial relationships..?

    BQ: What is your ethnicity and how old are you?
  9. M

    Both interested, but both already in relationships?

    OK. So I've been in a relationship for a little less than a year. She's been in her relationship about the same amount of time. Both of our relationships are rocky at best. We enjoy talking with each other (till 7am on skype, for example). We flirt, we hint, we touch. What the hell is going on...
  10. H

    Do a lot of teenage girls act like this in relationships?

    So the last few times my friend came over, she's been annoying me with all the talk about her boyfriend Dillon. She doesn't really talk about anything else, everytime she's like "wanna hear me nd dillons song?" she did that with her last 4 boyfriends, thy all only last a month or 2, she came...
  11. L

    Discuss either the Mandate of Heaven or the Five Relationships as these are

    defined in Confucianism? Discuss either the Mandate of Heaven or the Five Relationships as these are defined in Confucianism. Why are they important to Confucians? What do they have to do with social order and reciprocity?
  12. M

    Why can't relationships be as easy as riding a bicycle?

    this question was inspired by a dream where i was riding a bicycle to try to get to my destination which i know meant trying to make things work to get to my goal of having my relationship work. why can't having a relationship be as easy as riding a bicycle? i think for some people it might be...
  13. M

    relationships are different in america and europe. yes or no?

    what do you think?
  14. A

    Sex in relationships?

    I'm worried that I might be heading into sex in a relationship. Me and my boyfriend have been together for two months, and he recently invited me over to his house, saying that his parents won't be at home. I didn't think of it THAT way until a couple of my friends said that he wants sex...
  15. D

    Can I change a guys mind about relationships and about me?

    I like this guy and we have been flirting a lot this last month. But I always thought it was leading to something more and I've asked myself why he never asked me out. He is very charming and good looking so I doubt he has the confidence problem. But my friends, him and I were out and having a...
  16. Olivia

    Always stuck in between other people's relationships?

    So I've recently become more aw ear that when it comes to relationships I'm always the one giving advice or listening to the problems. I've always been a close friend of the girl who would tell me so much about there relationship but then I'm always the one in which the boyfriend comes to for...
  17. P

    are there any relationships on one piece ever?

    if there are name them
  18. T

    Can Christians have relationships?

    ahh. b/c you are 15 and you only get into relationships to find a mate. At 15, you not ready for marriage,so dating is not needed... I wish more parents would stop their kids from dating.. it just leads to pre marital sex and unwanted pregnancies.
  19. G

    Relationships are hard, im young should I take a break?

    For the past few months i've been on the rollercoaster of bi-polar girls that play mind games and its really getting on my nerves... I think if talked to 20 girls since the summer and none have been worth anything but a waste of time. Im 15 still young should I take a break from girls for a...
  20. T

    How to keep multiple relationships?

    Oh and before you post your an a*shole i encourage you to f*ck off to another question please Okay so im currently dating a girl and we like hardly ever see each other and i want a different relationship were i basically can ****, so im thinking about cheating on her it'd be so easy and there...