
  1. A

    How do girls get relationships from one night stands?

    Ok, how to girls get a relationship out of a one night stand BUT i had a connection with a guy, slept with him after 2 weeks, but no commitment and it doesn't lead to a relationship? And why is everyone telling me that he doesn't want me cuz i'm too convenient and i am too available and i gave...
  2. B

    for those of you in long term relationships: do you argue regularly with your

    significant other and how ......? .... escalated does it get? How is ir resolved normally ... do married peeps just let it pass and stop talking for a bit then say sorry? My Dad and my Mother threw stuff at each other but they both married their second partners 38 years ago and I haven't once...
  3. J

    John Lennon's relationships with his sons?

    I need a good Lennon/Beatles fan to help me with this. I've done a little reading on the subject and it seems as if John and Julian didn't have as good of a relationship as John and Sean? Why is this? I was reading about how "overjoyed" John was when Sean was born and how he said this... "Sean...
  4. C

    question regarding relationships between variables and integrals?

    if dp/p=dq/q then would this be mathematically sound: ?dp/p = ?dq/q ln(p)=ln(q)+C ln(p)-ln(q)=C ln(p/q)=C e^ln(p/q)=e^C p/q=C I asked my economics 101 professor about this because I was bored about the actual material, and he said it was wrong. What do you think? I was bored to tears, and I...
  5. K

    Confused about Relationships in Microsoft Access!!?

    I'm starting a new job on Monday and sometimes I will be doing the receptionist type job role. It requires using Databases and I am really confused about the relationship part of it. How do I decide which field I should make the relationship too? If You don't understand what I mean please can...
  6. G

    Why do I seperate relationships from sex? I feel so messed up?

    It's kind of complicated, but the people I am sexually attracted to I would never in a million years have a relationship with, and yet the people I would happily have a relationship with I am not sexually attracted to and do not want to sleep with. Is there any way I can change the way I feel...
  7. R

    long distance relationships advise?

    Lately, my long distance relationship has been getting tough. Neither of us can afford the expensive phone calls at the moment plus he's got limited internet access (he can come on MSN like once a week) because his Mother doesn't let him on her laptop, and he can't access internet on his laptop...
  8. T

    girls advice please (relationships)?

    my girlfriend says she loves me and wever been together 4 in jtoc i was helping a whole bunch of kids learn to do drill and she said i was flirting with one of girls....i told her wtf r u tlkin bout she said my ex brooke told her i was flirting with som girl...idk her name.....i...
  9. N

    Distance Relationships?

    What are some cute text or pictures I can send my boyfriend to keep him on his toes and not giving up on our relationship because of the distance? Maybe a cute letter or something I can even mail him. HELP:)
  10. K

    Poll: Are people in interracial relationships still a little racist?

    Like maybe they like the person but still hold some hostility towards their race in general. Sometimes I think my bf is a little racist 'cause of stuff he says about white people.
  11. M

    Which placements/aspects tend to be miserable in serious relationships and...

    ...are happier when single? Either because they are too selfish to be committed to one person or they feel their freedom is being taken away? List anything you'd like.
  12. J

    Do all relationships, even long-lasting, successful ones, have doubts?

    Does every relationship hold doubts? Doubt in longevity, care from the other person, worthiness? Just curious...not complete doubt in the success of the relationship but just like pessimistic curiosities?
  13. P

    im 20 but haven't been in too many "serious" relationships, how should i treat

    im 20 but haven't been in too many "serious" relationships, how should i treat my new serious boyfriend? I've had plenty of relationships but most of them have been more fun then serious. Now I have a boyfriend that I could possibly have a future with. He is currently finishing up service in...
  14. R

    Girls- rebound relationships????? Please help!!!?

    Why do they start out so incredible and amazing and then just turn to nothing???? What is the time frame for realizing it for you???
  15. O

    i have dreams im in deep relationships with strangers i do not know.then i...

    ...wake up missing them and feeling? when i wake up i feel emotionally connected to them ,missing them and lonely.are the people in my dreams people that have died? why do i feel this way? its a strange feeling.
  16. T

    How do I deal with my boyfriends past relationships and not feeling good enough

    compared to old g/f? He lied to me 9 years ago and told me he never thought he could get a girl pregnant. Late one night after having great sex he see's a picture of his high school sweetheart on facebook. He teared up and confided in me that he did get her pregnant and she had an abortion...
  17. J

    Do i have lone Wolf personality, how does it affect relationships?

    Im 21 years old, i pretty much don't have any friends, im not interested in socializing with people, maybe 2-4 times a year i go out. Rest of the time im at uni, or at home. Iike to exercise by myself, go gym on my own. but when im in a social environment im not shy, i like to talk to people...
  18. J

    Do i have a lone-wolf personality How does it affect relationships?

    Im 21 years old, i pretty much don't have any friends, im not interested in socializing with people, maybe 2-4 times a year i go out. Rest of the time im at uni, or at home. Iike to exercise by myself, go gym on my own. but when im in a social environment im not shy, i like to talk to people...
  19. L

    Do you have casual relationships or long term relationships?

    Do you only desire sex and money from relationships or do you want companionship and love?
  20. L

    Why has Pizza Hut lost foucus oon maintaing customer relationships?

    Why has Pizza Hut lost focus on maintaining profitable customer relationships, and explain why you think this occurred. What do you feel is the best way to maintain balance between competitor and customer orientations? Provide an example of a company and its strategy to use in your discussion...