
  1. G

    Remind Yourself How Small You Are with This Visualization on Time

    Here's the dirty depressing truth: we're a bunch of nobodies living in a time that is so small in the entire scope of the universe that NOTHING MATTERS. Just look at this amazing interactive visualization that shows the scope of the days, months, years, periods and so forth within the scope of...
  2. C

    Any Allusions in Nichelback's How you remind me or is this next Rick Roll?;_ylt=Ag0iFH1_pTfL4T.wVmiQG4Hz5nNG;_ylv=3?qid=20130312185136AATc7k3 see question with video unnamed
  3. A

    Carla Bruni, Queen Elizabeth & Fox News Remind Us A Woman’s Place Is In The Home

    Is it international women-get-back-in-the-kitchen-week or something? From Carla Bruni pitting feminism against family life to the Queen of England's motherhood comments*to some Phyllis Schlafly wannabe on Fox News ranting about the 'war on men' -- there seems to be a preponderance of...
  4. A

    Body-Painted Photos Of Female Yogis Remind Us Of Yoga’s Power (And Make Us Slightly U

    We're kind of obsessed with these dramatic pictures of body-painted yogis, posing as human motorcycles in*a*promotion for the Progressive International Motorcycle Show. *The photos are beautiful, powerful and show the strength of yoga's practitioners (despite being maybe the tiniest bit...
  5. M

    Did Clint Eastwood's speech at the Republican convention remind anyone else of

    an old bar joke? One variation goes: A man who has been setting in a bar for many hours makes a bet with the bar tender $50.00 that if the bar tender was to set a shot glass at one end of the bar, the man could stand at the other end and piss into the shot glass and not spill a drop. The bar...
  6. K

    Does the book Looking For Alaska remind you of this anime?

    There's an anime called The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and I swear it reminds me of Looking For Alaska by John Green. Just curious if anyone else thought so.
  7. V

    With the Travel season quickly approaching should we remind the American

    People that the Democrats? Institutionalized sexual harassment. TSA The TSA was created under Bush but they institutionalized sexual harassment under Janet Napolitano
  8. A

    Cristiano, Ronaldinho both remind you that they’re good at free kicks

    Just in case your appreciation of Cristiano Ronaldo and Ronaldinho's talents have been diminished by the long international break or a new-found passion for finger painting or your own forgetfulness, they both decided to remind you of what they can do with a free kick on the day. Cristiano's...
  9. T

    Isnt it great that we remind ourselves of the birth of Christ the Lord every...

    ...time we reference the year? LIke, it's been 2011 years since the birth of Christ, and I think its awesome!
  10. F

    The Crucible Act III what does it remind you of when the girls a repeating

    mary warren? hey im working on the crucible act III and at the very end our teacher asked us: "when the girls are repeating mary warren what does this remind you of?" i have no idea what that should remind me of could so could anyone maybe help me =D
  11. F

    The crucible Act III what does it remind you of when the girls are repeating

    mary warren? hey im working on the crucible act III and at the very end our teacher asked us: "when the girls are repeating mary warren what does this remind you of?" i have no idea what that should remind me of could so could anyone maybe help me =D
  12. M

    Do report-monkeys tend to remind you of the soldiers who blindfolded Jesus &

    struck him, shouting, "Prophecy!"? The men who were guarding Jesus began mocking and beating him. They blindfolded him and demanded, "Prophesy! Who hit you?" And they hurled all sorts of terrible insults at him. Luke 22:63-65 Isn't it ironic that most report-monkeys on here are Christian...
  13. L

    What are some songs that remind you of nature?

    Preferably singable. I've really been craving nature-y music, and something to sing during my camp's wakeup call as well. :) Go wild with this one!
  14. B

    No Joke, did tonight remind you of?

    Jordan(Wade) and Pippen(Lebron) VS Malone(Milsap) and Stockton(Williams) Pippen would have shot better then Lebron, but it was a good all around game. Milsap hit some 3 pointers that Malone would not have took, but other then that. Any haters are going to get blocked No, Jordan lost to the Jazz...
  15. C

    can you remind me who supported Tracy Chapman in her UK tour this year?

    I'm thinking of the Royal Albert Hall in Spring 2010
  16. C

    can you remind me who supported Tracy Chapman in her UK tour this year?

    I'm thinking of the Royal Albert Hall in Spring 2010
  17. C

    can you remind me who supported Tracy Chapman in her UK tour this year?

    I'm thinking of the Royal Albert Hall in Spring 2010
  18. G

    Okay, I'm about as conservative as they come, but remind be again why...

    ...allowing openly gay individuals in the? military would be wrong?
  19. G

    Keep your head down. Don't make me remind you to keep your head down. Keep it down.

    Sherlock Holmes news: Stephen Fry, who played IIRC the psychiatrist on Bones who treated Seeley Booth after he shot the clown off the ice cream truck in a conniption of annoyance, will play Mycroft in the second Guy Ritchie Holmes adaptation (with Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law) due out in...
  20. B

    DOW charting question: Does the current DOW trend remind you of the trend on 1/7/08?

    Take a look at the weekly - 10 year chart of the DOW (^DJI or $DJI) index and draw a trend line along all the major lows. It is just me, or does the current position look a lot like the position it was in on 1/7/08?