Did Clint Eastwood's speech at the Republican convention remind anyone else of


New member
Jun 13, 2008
an old bar joke? One variation goes:

A man who has been setting in a bar for many hours makes a bet with the bar tender $50.00 that if the bar tender was to set a shot glass at one end of the bar, the man could stand at the other end and piss into the shot glass and not spill a drop.

The bar tender said you’re on!
So the bar tender sets it up and the man stands on the other end of the bar and starts pissing all over it.
The bar tender starts laughing and tells the man he owes him $50.00.
The man pays the bar tender off and steps down off of the bar.

As soon as he steps down he goes over to a customer who pays him $500.00.

The bar tender sensing that he's been had, asks what's up?
The man replies that he had bet the other man that I can piss all over the bar and have the you laugh about it.