
  1. L

    Nonbelievers in Christ: What would it take for you to confess Christ as Savior?

    Like what type of evidence will it take?
  2. T

    I have accepted Christ as my Savior. Now, if God asks me to account for my life...?

    and to judge me, what's the deal? If I say - hey, You created me, and therefore You know why and how I acted better than I can ever answer and then it kind of makes You like a a d*bag foe even asking and, by the way, if am I saved and it is by Your Grace then why do my actions even need to be...
  3. G

    Christians: Which roles have our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ have...

    ...filled for you? Was He your mother, Was He your Father? Was He your best friend when you needed a friend?Was He your comforter, provider,protector,your Joy,your Love, your deliverer,your heart fixer,your mind regulator, your master, your Savior,your peace? There is simply no way we will ever...
  4. O

    Believe that Christ is the one true savior or burn....?

    Why is the threat of hell fire seemingly forced upon the curious and cognitive? But none of you were there. To me it seems like blind brown-nosing out of fear of punishment. That is no reason to be religious. But none of you were there. To me it seems like blind brown-nosing out of fear of...
  5. G

    How do you get someone to believe in God? And accept Jesus Christ as our Lord Savior?

    Hello :) I have a question. How do you get someone to believe in God? I asked my friend, "what do you believe in?" and he replied, "I believe in finding purpose and knowledge." its like he respects how much I believe in the Lord and tells me that its a good thing, but he says if something...
  6. M

    Do you believe that Jesus is the savior because he fulfilled the prophecies?

    in other words, why do you believe that Jesus is the savior? Is it because the Bible says so? Dear Gutbucket, if you find it hard to answer a question, please refrain from speaking ********.
  7. M

    Christians, do you not realize that this is your true savior?

    He guided me he'll guide you to the righteous path also...
  8. B

    I'm I going to hell if I don't believe that Jesus Christ is my lord and savior?

    Even if I think I'm some what of a decent person.
  9. B

    I'm I going to hell if I don't believe that Jesus Christ is my lord and savior?

    Even if I think I'm some what of a decent person.
  10. R

    i just became christian and accepted jesus christ as my lord and savior .BUT!?

    this was 1 week ago ...and ever since i have been feeling really sad , depressed , and mostly afraid.. i am not a bad person ..i just turned 18 and i look foward to getting a good education and taking care of my parents....the reason why i feel so afraid and sad is because i love horror...
  11. S

    Christians, why do you ignore the words of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?

    Matthew 6:5-6: “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and...
  12. A

    do you accept jesus as your christ and savior? do you accept satan as your mortal enemy for all eternity? Do you believe in a higher set of moral standards to always under all circumstances be upheld?
  13. G

    How would you feel if Jesus Christ, our Lord of Savior gave a four year old boy head?

    phones for his birthday? Do you support the Amish belief that electricity is from the Devil due to their scriptural references?
  14. D

    how do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior .?

    i am already a Christian but i don't live my life according to his word, i still do a lot of worldly things to please my flesh. & now it has me in a world of trouble, how do you trust God and believe and have faith. i honestly do not know how to do that ? please help me....
  15. A

    In the name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus H. Christ, Why do Christians have a hard

    time with MORALS? I mean, just look back at the last couple of weeks here on Y!A-There are DOZENS, DOZENS I SAY!, of questions from good Christian people asking for Atheists help in defining why people should be moral, or where morals come from. Being religious, one would think they would know...
  16. A

    In the name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus H. Christ--FOR COMMUNION:...

    ...Transubstantiation or Consubstantiation? Which one did Jesus mean at the Last Supper?
  17. A

    In the name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus H. Christ, Why do people deny that...

    ...Jesus has the middle initial "H"? It's in the bible after all. Look, Jesus was adopted by the humble carpenter Joseph. Joey was a humble man, and never bothered to give his young son a middle name. When Jesus found out he was the Son of God, he decided to take his real heavenly father's...
  18. A

    In the name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus H. Christ, is your dog finally...

    ...getting enough cheese in his Dinner? Cheese is important, you know. Some people think it's just mold, which is it, but that mold is good for you, or so I have been told. Well, I got to figuring that if it is good for YOU, it might be good for your Dog as well. Then one day I was at the...
  19. A

    In the name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus H. Christ, WHY ARE CHRISTIANS AGAINST

    SUICIDE? The founder of their religion, good old Jesus Christ his own self, committed suicide, didn't he? I mean, he could have stopped his execution, what with being God and all, yet he decided to let the Romans crucify him, thereby technically committing suicide. So much for him dieing to...
  20. A

    In the name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus H. Christ, SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO?

    Oh yeeeeeaaaaah Wooh! Darling you got to let me know Should I stay or should I go? If you say that you are mine I’ll be here ’til the end of time So you got to let me know Should I stay or should I go? Always tease tease tease You’re happy when I’m on my knees One day is fine, next day is...