Christians: Which roles have our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ have...


May 8, 2008
...filled for you? Was He your mother, Was He your Father? Was He your best friend when you needed a friend?Was He your comforter, provider,protector,your Joy,your Love, your deliverer,your heart fixer,your mind regulator, your master, your Savior,your peace?
There is simply no way we will ever be able to thank Him enough for all He has done for us.
Who is He in your life?
May God bless you and keep you all and thank you
I love you all in Jesus's Holy Name!
All of the above also i am His servant and He is my best friend. I have learned what to be humble means and not proud i could tell you many things i do for my Lord but i must be humble and Just say without Jesus we are nothing in this life. Thanks for the question and the blessing too.May God bless you too.
he is my everything.
all of that you said and more
except my sin, that is the enemy calling for me.