
  1. J

    Rate these celebrities looks on a scale of 1 to 10?

    Lady Gaga Katy Perry Rihanna Snooki Paris Hilton
  2. M

    What is the size in inches/cms of a 1.76 scale model truck?

    I need to buy one online as a present but don't know the exact size of it, can anyone help please?
  3. D

    On a scale from one to ten how gay is this ?

    After flag football practice. I was in the locker room at my elementary school when the school bully (Jose Lopez) blew his goo all over the school nerd (Jamal Bryant).in the shower. EVERYONE thought Jamal was gay cause he just took it in the face and mouth. And we all high fived Jose for his...
  4. T

    Scale Models

    Weizmann Institute scientists have added a significant piece to the puzzle of scaling - how patterns stay in sync with size as an embryo or organism grows and develops. In a new study appearing in Current Biology, Institute scientists Profs. Naama Barkai and Ben-Zion Shilo and research student...
  5. G

    This Projection Scale Embarrasses You Into Losing Weight [Gadgets]

    Here's a new weight loss tool that uses public humiliation to force you to lose weight. Available from Hammacher Schlemmer, the projection scale will display your current weight on the wall ... where everyone can see it. More »
  6. F

    on a scale from 1 to screech from save by the bell how lame am I for...?

    still having my virginity after year of college? I just want to see where that lands me.
  7. A

    On a scale of 1 to 10 how do you rate this joke ?

    Last weekend I saw something at Larry's Pistol & Pawn Shop that sparked my interest. The occasion was our 15th anniversary and I was looking for a little something extra for my wife Julie. What I came across was a 100,000-volt, pocket/purse-sized taser. The effects of the taser were supposed to...
  8. H

    Where can i buy a rc Fastlane lincoln navigator 1/6 scale?

    I want to buy one really badly please help me find one.
  9. R

    on a scale to 1-10 how hard is it to get in the UFC and BOXING?

    on a scale to 1-10 how hard is it to get in the UFC and BOXING
  10. G

    On a scale of 1-10 how much do you like soccer?

    I dunno I kinda hate it (1o meaning u luv it)
  11. G

    how much did you laugh on a scale of 1-10 after reading this...?

    *change love to lube* "i lube you, you lube me, we're a happy family" i didn't think it was possible to make the purple dinosaur creepier referring to barney lol ldizzle i recognize you!
  12. E

    On a scale of 1 to 10 how stressful is it to be an Air Traffic Controller?

    10 being highest stress. Question is for Air Traffic Controllers or someone that knows someone that works in this field.
  13. G

    How funny is this on a scale of 1-10?

    This was from part of a project I did for school. I just took all the clips we shot of this kid using nunchucks and put it on youtube. He is a very strange kid in real life, and i just wanna see if the video is still funny to people who don't know him...
  14. T

    on a scale of 1-10 how funny is this?
  15. ?

    On a scale of 1 to 10: What would you give Palin's "wtf" joke about Obama's...

    On a scale of 1 to 10: What would you give Palin's "wtf" joke about Obama's... ...State of the Union speech? I don't even like Palin, but I thought this was actually very funny. Winning the Future = WTF (I mean it really doesn't make any What do you think? 10 - very funny OR...
  16. Q

    On a Scale of One to Ten, How big of an Audiophile Would You Say You Are?

    I'm like a 3... there's always reviews on amazon or some site that are like "ONE STAR FOR SOUND QUALITY - POOR REMASTERING". Then i get the album and find no problem with its sound... I do love me the occasional vinyl gift however. BQ: Favorite 2 Rick Rubin produced albums?
  17. A

    I'm interested in learning more about small scale sustainable living.?

    Hey everybody. Just watched a documentary called Collapse and it has me interested in things like growing and preserving food, producing clothing, etc with as little modern technology as possible. Does anyone know of any good books/videos/primers for this kind of thing?
  18. A

    On a scale of 1-infiniti...?

    How cool is my Deathly Hallows earring?
  19. A

    On a scale of 1-infiniti...?

    How cool is my Deathly Hallows earring?
  20. G

    Do you bring a weight scale on vacation?

    I'm on a huge diet, and I want to bring the scale to another country over break. Do fancy hotels usually have scales? Would they let it on the plane?