On a scale of 1 to 10: What would you give Palin's "wtf" joke about Obama's...


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Mar 7, 2008
On a scale of 1 to 10: What would you give Palin's "wtf" joke about Obama's...

...State of the Union speech? I don't even like Palin, but I thought this was actually very funny.

Winning the Future = WTF (I mean it really doesn't make any sense.......lol)

What do you think? 10 - very funny OR 1 - not funny at all


Former Alaska GOP Gov. Sarah Palin said Wednesday night that President Barack Obama’s call for “winning the future” during his State of the Union address is best framed by the acronym it shares with a much different phrase — “wtf.”

“That was a tough speech to sit through and try to stomach,” Palin said during an interview with Fox News’s Greta Van Susteren.

“His theme last night was wtf, winning the future,” she continued. “I thought, okay, that acronym - spot on. There were a lot of wtf moments throughout that speech.”
dnafairy......"Moderates and independents approve of Obama's speech."

They also believed he was going to "change" Washington, so that really means nothing to me.
dimestore........"I hate her politics as much as you, but you need to learn how to see with both eyes open."

lol......I actually don't think she has any politics to speak of. I wasn't in the mood to shred Obama for being George W. Bush part III, so I figured I'de go for something lighter.
danfairy......"It doesn't matter at all what it means to you. Whoever wins the moderate vote wins the presidency. 100% of the time."

I was simply saying "moderates" (whatever the fk that means) are easily duped by empty rhetoric. So the fact that they "approved" simply means they haven't learned anything over the last 2 years.
gabriel......"I believe Palin is an irrelevant, reality-star, pretty-girl wanna-be celebrity media whore."

I actually agree. I usually call her a fame whore. It was still funny though.
I was going to say something about her, but I don't wanna be accused of commiting blood libel.
I'm not saying anything about her politics-- I don't really agree with her on anything.

But as a joke, I give it a 7.
All you've proven is that Sarah Palin is so popular that all she has to do is interject a vulgar colloquial abbreviation into an Obama reference and you'll gobble it up like chocolate fudge ice cream.

I hate her politics as much as you do, trust me; but you need to learn how to see with both eyes open. She's not famous because of pure luck.
Unlike our ultra-biased and shamelessly liberal Press... Palin holds the goofball named Obama accountable.

His speech was nothing but more vague references, cheer leading nonsense..... so after hearing that kind of nonsense, I join Sarah in asking... WTF?!??!?!

Palin is a low-IQ food tube who panders to the stupid.

Nothing that idiot will ever say will ever have any effect on my life.