
  1. F

    Do I Have Any Similarities to Leonardo Dicaprio?

    just curious...I want to do the hair like his lol...check it out: leo: me:
  2. J

    Similarities between Judaism and Islam religions on death and dying rituals.?

    I'm having the hardest time finding similarities between the two religions on death and dying rituals other than that both religions strive to bury their dead as soon as possible, both religions possess strict mourning rules, and I need one more similiarity! It'd be awesome if someone could help...
  3. G

    Is the reason for the similarities between Judaic and all other traditions that

    Judaism had none? About 200 BCE (BC) Berossus wrote "Babylonica", Manetho wrote the Egyptian history and the Israelis supposedly translated their traditions into Greek. How do you feel about the people now that argue that this was done so these people could practice old customs and since the...
  4. B

    similarities between judaism eastern orthodox christianity and roman catholics?

    someone please answer need it for tomorrow and possibly answers for the differences too
  5. T

    Similarities Between Our Sense Of Touch And The Way We Hear

    When you walk into a darkened room, your first instinct is to feel around for a light switch. You slide your hand along the wall, feeling the transition from the doorframe to the painted drywall, and then up and down until you find the metal or plastic plate of the switch. During the process you...
  6. R

    Similarities of judaism and christianity?

    I got so curious when i read about judaism. I didnt knnow that they believe in moses which is also made a big role in christianity. Please share interesting information that you know thank you
  7. R

    Similarities and differences between "The Dead" character and the

    "Translations" character? Trying to find similarities and difference between Friel's "Translations" character Owen and Joyce's "The Dead" character Gabriel. Thanks!
  8. T

    Multiple Similarities Discovered Between Cancer Cells And Induced Pluripotent Stem Ce

    UC Davis investigators have found new evidence that a promising type of stem cell now being considered for a variety of disease therapies is very similar to the type of cells that give rise to cancer. The findings suggest that although the cells -- known as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)...
  9. R

    what are some similarities and differences of GOD between Judaism, Islam and

    Christianity? I know that they all believe in the oneness of god but what are other similarities of god amongst the 3 religions and the difference of god amongst the 3?
  10. J

    what are similarities and differences between the ways that the sacred texts of

    Christianity, Judaism and ....? Islam view the call to social justice?
  11. T

    Major Brain Similarities Found In Bipolar Disorder And Schizophrenia

    Researchers from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) and Beaumont Hospital have conducted a study which has found striking brain similarities in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. The research has also pinpointed for the first time that a process which controls how information is...
  12. M

    Are there any similarities between Dickens' Great Expectations and his other novels?

    We were asked to read other books by Dickens' during the Summer in order to use comparisons in our essays. So what would you say are the best books by Dickens' that I can read?
  13. G

    The similarities of Islam and Judaism?

    For years I have studied Judaism although I was born and raised Catholic, I found a lot of interest in Judaism. I liked Judaism so much that I was not that far from converting to becoming Jewish, but I didn't. Now I see a lot of rave about Islam and I was just wondering what are some common...
  14. S

    Differences and the similarities between Hinduism and Judaism? What are

    your opinions about Judaism? What are the differences and the similarities between those two religion? Or, what do you think of the religion Judaism????? Please be serious and please no rude comments! Thanks in advance
  15. B

    What are the similarities between Chipotle and Taco Bell?

    at least five and plz answer in half an hour
  16. M

    what is the similarities and difference b/w Swift's Gulliver's travels and

    Voltaire's Candide? what lessons did the main characters learn and how it changed them?
  17. S

    Similarities and difrencess of watching a movie at home and at a theatre? ?

    For example watching a movie at home is free and watching a movie at a movie theatre costs money. Then what they have in common?
  18. S

    Similarities and difrencess of watching a movie at home and at a theatre? ?

    For example watching a movie at home is free and watching a movie at a movie theatre costs money. Then what they have in common?
  19. Y

    Basketball section, what are the similarities with these questions?;_ylc=X3oDMTZjc3RhcWN1BElfYWd1aWQDWU5TQ1pRNkVHRERKV0xXMlhXUUZOMlZFVVEESV9jZ3VpZANXRzNWUEFCSkNITDVaUFNSR0FRS0hBQUxJQQRJX2Nwcm9wA3lhaG9vLnNvY2lhbGJsb2cueWNhLmNsaWVudARJX3VjbnR4AwRJX3VzcmMDeS51cy5hbnN3ZXJzBElfdXN1aWQDMjAxMTAxMTMxMjAwMzZBQVZPNHRUX01CRTlmRUNGYWEE...
  20. C

    What are the similarities between Abraham Lincoln's Republican Party and Today's...

    Nothing. Lincoln was well-educated, free thinking man. Already, we see that there is no connection.