Is the reason for the similarities between Judaic and all other traditions that


New member
Jun 13, 2009
Judaism had none? About 200 BCE (BC) Berossus wrote "Babylonica", Manetho wrote the Egyptian history and the Israelis supposedly translated their traditions into Greek.

How do you feel about the people now that argue that this was done so these people could practice old customs and since the Jews had no history of their own the borrowed and transposed histories from Greeks, Egyptians, Babylonians, Hittites and others to be validated among the Greek Rulers?
No, the history of the Jews is very scant, some aspects ore interwoven with other people's histories.
Genesis is Babylonian history. Exodus is Egyptian mixed with other traditions of the Hyksos etc. The conquest of Canaan was by the Sea People/Palestinians. David is Imaginary, Solomon is the Greek lawgiver Solon mixed with an Egyptian pharaoh and others. Daniel is purely Babylonian and so on.
Jerry: No I am not saying Jews are different I'm just saying that the Biblical stories are from other people and borrowed by the Jews. Borrowings by Babylonians and Accadians from the Sumerians are well attested to and that is not where the problem lie. The problem lie in faking a history trying to convince others it somehow makes you superior.
Kagenate: That is a blatant falsification, Manetho does not mention the Jews!
That is like saying Herodotus mentioned the Jews in his "Histories" but after the Christians removed the chapter they had added it is no longer there!
IMHO, this question must be coming from one who has absolutely no knowledge of Jewish History. Usually, the history of a people or nation is curbed by the power at Government. Throughout the History of Israel, records were composed and kept by Scribes under the title of "Chronicles of the Kings" of Israel and of Judah alongside with the Chronicles of the Prophets.
Evidently the Hebrews are one of the Canaanite races of people. They were goat herders and not very significant. There is no evidence of them until about 600 BCE. Such things as the Merneptah Stele which mentions Israel only means someone said "El will rule" and not that anyone existed believing as we are led to believe Jews did.
The religious community has lied and falsified material for centuries, the nomads now known as Jews could very well have had no limited of their own and needed to create a history in order to continue practices such as child molestation. By the way, circumcision also means restraint!
All people's have their own history.

And all people's traditions are influenced by others.

If we could go back further you would find that the Egyptian and other writings also borrowed from something earlier etc

I suspect there is some bias in your question in trying to say that Jews are somehow different in a negative way from all other people's. that idea is, of course, false