
  1. K

    Did Christ condone slavery?

    Apparently he did. You would think that Jesus and the New Testament would have a different view of slavery then the old testament that clearly supported it, but slavery is still approved of in the New Testament, as the following passages show. Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep...
  2. F

    Did the Lincoln Plan for Reconstruction make any attempt to abolish slavery?

    I know the Wade Davis Bill did, but did the Lincoln Plan do the same?
  3. F

    why aren't christians for slavery anymore?

    Exodus 21:1-4 "If thou buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing. If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself: if he were married, then his wife shall go out with him. If his master have given him a wife, and she have born him...
  4. C

    Why are black people still whining about racism when slavery ended like

    200 years ago? Plus we have a black president now, I think it's time to get over it. Seriously, it's getting really old.
  5. N

    Why do Liberals sell their fellow Americans into slavery?

    In the middle ages, serfs (modified slaves) we're forced to pay 25% of their crop (earnings) to their lord. In the United States, those who are responsible enough to work hard, save, invest, then start up a business, and create jobs are forced to pay upwards of 50% of their earnings to the...
  6. A

    Does judaism premit slavery?

    if so how should the slaves be treated PROOF PLEASE.
  7. J

    i need and introduction and thesis for slavery and the found fathers?

    i need an intro paragraph and or a thesis statement because im lost on this topic
  8. J

    What circumstances led to the introduction of slavery into the colonies?

    There was also a period of time when Europeans were used to work on the plantations- is that correct?
  9. A

    Was abraham lincoln against slavery??!?

    Hello yahoo answers. I have just started 7th grade and i am studying as of now! I was curious, because i forgot lol- is abraham lincoln against slavery or did he want slavery to continue? thanks everyone!!!! this helps soooo much! =)
  10. O

    3 compromises on slavery that the founders agreed on?

    no person held to segregation or labour in one state... escaping into another, shall... be discharged from such service or labour, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labour may be due. what exactly does this mean thnx for ur help
  11. T

    How sick are you of the african americans and their slavery rants,its been

    145 years ago get a life? I lost three great uncles in that war on the north side,so spare me, we whites gave too!
  12. G

    If Lincoln was liberal for wanting to abolish slavery, did he become...

    ...conservative when he won? Liberals play this shell game about "liberals and conservatives switched places." Lincoln was liberal for wanting to change the status quo by abolishing slavery. By the end of the Civil War, abolitionists changed from liberals to conservatives because they...
  13. W

    Why do blacks still whine about slavery that happened 300 years ago...when slavery

    is now happening in Asia? Why do African-American's still whine about slavery that happened to their ancestors over 300 years ago... BUT Human trafficking and sex slavery still exist in Asian countries RIGHT NOW! As we speak, girls are being sold into sex slavery in Asia...yet you don't hear a...
  14. J

    Why did the election of Abraham Lincoln, who had promised not to disturb slavery... states where it existed, l? Why did the election of Abraham Lincoln, who had promised not to disturb slavery in states where it existed, lead the southern states to secede?
  15. O

    Why don't African-American's whine about the black-on-black slavery that exists

    in Africa today? African-Americans love to dwell in the past about white-on-black slavery in America hundreds of years ago...but why aren't they as passionate about criticizing the black-on-black slavery that exists in Africa TODAY?!? BlackKnight: YOU are the ignorant one...
  16. G

    Modern Slavery

    ... Kevin Bales explains the business of modern slavery, a multibillion-dollar economy that underpins some of the worst industries on earth. He shares stats and personal stories from his on-the-ground research -- and names the price of freeing every slave on earth right now. Read the rest of...
  17. P

    rescued a friend from sex slavery? meaning?

    so i had a dream the other night about how i rescued a friend of mine from a sex slave ring, and i don't know what it means exactly. I've been stressing about a missions trip that my church is going on to Mexico in a few weeks, and about the end of the summer when i go off to college lately, but...
  18. P

    rescued a friend from sex slavery? meaning?

    so i had a dream the other night about how i rescued a friend of mine from a sex slave ring, and i don't know what it means exactly. I've been stressing about a missions trip that my church is going on to Mexico in a few weeks, and about the end of the summer when i go off to college lately, but...
  19. P

    Dollhouse: Sex, slavery, intrigue, and a sense of humor. Why can't this sell?

    This TV show is decidedly original. It started off like a corny old 60's show where the title character gets to play multiple characters. It ended up like a sci-fi, with a touch of conspiracy theory as a group tries for world domination a la "Manchurian Candidate". Characters that are evil...
  20. C

    Were Homo floresiensis alive today, would you be in favor of slavery?

    Homo floresiensis, also known as the "hobbit" was a species of hominid, 3ft tall, that lived on the small island of Flores in Indonesia until a volcano destroyed the species 13,000 years ago. They were a completely separate species from humans, but they buried their dead ritualistically and...