
  1. O

    Why does "god" support slavery?

    In both the New & Old Testament. "The law of the LORD is perfect" Psalm 19:7 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may...
  2. R

    Abraham Lincoln and slavery?

    The ending of slavery was obviously the major consideration for Abraham Lincoln to be a good president. However, Lincoln's comments at Charleston when he debated Stephen Douglas. Does that sound like he is a friend of African Americans? Does his statement that he is waging a war to end slavery...
  3. C

    400 years of slavery in America was endorsed by what religion?

    Cricket. I didn't say U.S. I said "America." Stewi. You accuse me of slander when you are the one who flippantly accusies "atheists and pagans" for modern slavery?
  4. M

    What did Abraham Lincoln have to do with slavery?

    There was slavery at one point in time and many more events that Lincoln dealed with but what did he really do to help about slavery????
  5. H

    Is slavery back in fashion?

    I passed a sign outside a farm gate saying 'swedes for sale' Is this slave labour from our Scandinavian cousins?
  6. N

    How did Abraham Lincoln put an end to slavery?

    Don't call me dumb because I'm just in middle school. Are there any websites? was it his speech?
  7. Y

    Why do blacks whine about slavery?

    I noticed this a lot on TV. They never were slaves. Dont give me that ancestry crap. If you go back in history you will see ever ethnicity was a slave at one point
  8. K

    Can you name a time when a black person whined about slavery?

    Watch no one actually give me a good answer too. and this ? will be deleted because people don't like the TRUTH. I'm white and I can tell you, its mostly because white people don't like hearing about a terrible thing their ancestors did. But it has nothing to do with black people complaining...
  9. C

    In 1865, if the South had asked 2 rejoin the Union without ending Slavery, do u

    think Lincoln WOULD've AGreed? This is a HOmework assignment and we haven't learned this yet... Can you help me???? If you can can you write down the reasons why you believe what you believe and maybe even an easy website... Thanks that would help so muchh...
  10. J

    Why do people today complain about slavery that happened in the past when...

    ...slavery still exists today? Many African Americans are still complaining about what their ancestors went through. Well, almost every culture on earth has had slavery, it's not like it's just Africans who were enslaved. Jews went through much worse than black people. Slavery still exists TODAY...
  11. A

    1865, if the South had asked to rejoin the Union w/out ending slavery, do you...

    ...think Lincoln would've agreed? I'm SOOOOO confused. I don't know anything about the Civil War, except that it was between the Northern and Southern states, and that it was over slavery. Please help! (: thanks !
  12. C

    Should Obama mark Lincoln's birthday by decrying slavery where it exists TODAY?

    Sudan still has slavery. Should he make its elimination a major cause? Another question:;_ylt=AvTiTqag_mwxAWHrYylDpojsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090212022745AAJWQBo
  13. A

    the role of religion in debate over slavery?

    Describe the role of religion in the debate over slavery and other reform movements.
  14. S

    Would Lincoln Allow the South to Rejoin if They Kept Slavery?

    I have an essay to do, the question is, "In 1865, if the South had asked to rejoin the Union without ending slavery, do you think Lincoln would have agreed?" Most people seem to believe that he wouldn't allow them to, but others argue lincoln would allow them to since lincoln was power hungry...