
  1. J

    Is the hole in the ozone layer letting UVC rays in (just slightly)?

    I have been doing a report on being sun-smart for school and one of the questions were "What are some reasons why it is important for New Zealanders to be Sun Smart?" I do NOT want you to answer that. When researching about the hole in the ozone layer which is over New Zealand (where I live) I...
  2. A

    When you find out you have HPV, and he leaves you...alone, confused, and slightly...

    ...heartbroken.? I'd been seeing this really great guy since the beginning of january, and I'm pretty sure he liked me a lot too (would hint at doing things together in the future, and he'd always comment on specific things he liked about me). But then about a week and a half ago, I found out I...
  3. D

    what does it mean when zebra danio gills are slightly pink?

  4. C

    Getting braces off- two front teeth slightly uneven?

    one of my two front teeth is slightly longer than the other one. my friend needs to get his braces back on because of this, so that is why i am concerned. but can the ortho shave the one tooth down or is that something that i should have my braces on longer for?
  5. R

    PS3 WiFi Questions! Slightly multi part, so please answer all questions...

    ...if you can! Thank You! I'm so excited!? Curious I have a PS3 80gb being delivered to me in the next couple of days! I have just found out that you can use WiFi on it! That's fricken cool! Note I already use wireless in my home I'm even currently on my laptop wirelesss now! So no questions...
  6. X

    She's been slightly getting on my nerves lately...?

    Alright so this is going to be kind of long. So throughout the whole swimteam there has been this girl. I like her and everything but she has this slight problem about worrying too much. She has high anxieties about every little thing. Also after a race, she does fine or she does better but she...
  7. H

    Slightly low wbc count, should I be worried?

    Hey all My boyfriend is a type 1 diabetic, who had routine blood work done about 6 months ago, and his doctor called him, and mentioned every other test was excellent, but his wbc was slighly below normal. Then before xmas he had another routine test done, and every thing was normal, but his...
  8. S

    I have slightly bowed legs...Question?

    I have slightly bowed legs. When I put my feet togethor, my knees are about 3/4 of an inch apart. And my calves are tiny since I'm tiny and that makes them look farther apart than they really are. I can't have surgery because I don't have the $$$. I was wondering, are there any exercises I...