
  1. P

    Can I get a ticket for someone taking a picture of my car parked slightly in the red?

    Hello everyone. I live in Los Angeles CA. Today I was in Santa Monica on business and when I finished my appointment and went to my car I saw what looked like a pedestrian taking pictures of my car from multiple angles. My car's rear end I noticed was maybe a half inch to an inch into a small...
  2. P

    Can I get a ticket for someone taking a picture of my car parked slightly in the red?

    Hello everyone. I live in Los Angeles CA. Today I was in Santa Monica on business and when I finished my appointment and went to my car I saw what looked like a pedestrian taking pictures of my car from multiple angles. My car's rear end I noticed was maybe a half inch to an inch into a small...
  3. S

    whats the best way to tear off tar from a slightly piched roof?

    thanks ya'll for your help!!
  4. A

    Im Depressed & Slightly Overweight, anyone have tips & suggestions?

    I have been depressed for quite a long time and I admit that i have always been overweight and at times, incredibly unfit and it's been happening in a cycle too.. because of the depression, I can't find any motivation to keep a healthy and active lifestyle, so i result to spending way too much...
  5. R

    my left testicle is hurting when i walk, and is slightly red i am 13?

    I got hit in the "balls" about a week and a half ago its realy bothering me
  6. A

    How do I tell if my front bumper on my Honda 300 is slightly bent?

    My friend hit a tree with one front wheel and it looks like it is back alittle, but I cant tell cause the body (plastic outside) is bent ? Help and if it is is it fixable?
  7. 6

    is being slightly metrosexual a turn off?

    like i dont act gay but i like going shopping my girlfriend, i like expensive clothes i usually wear dark colored jeans a hoodie or a button down shirt like a drak grey or black no pinks or lime green ect. I collect cologne i have 10 bottles. but i also do manly stuff like work on cars. im also...
  8. S

    Is it healthy to eat raw or slightly cooked whole grains?

    Are there consequences to not cooking them or under cooking them? Obviously, most grains will swell up, but if you're careful about portion sizes, this should not be an issue. Right?
  9. P

    Question: my subaru forester slows down (slightly) after I take my foot

    off the accelerator. Why? This may have first occured after I got 2 brake pads replaced. Then I got the other 2 replaced. Does that have anything to do with it? If not, what is causing this? Thanks, in advance, for your help, people :) I got the first 2 brake pads around 4 months ago; the...
  10. M

    Which female celebrities do you think are slightly above average looking?

    For me they are Jennifer Garner Kristen Bell Demi Lavoto I think they are kind of pretty,just slightly above average. How about you?
  11. M

    My pick-up bed/box is slightly out of alignment, how do I align it?

    I have a 2006 Chevy Silverado. I just purchased it, and the box is slightly off. I have looked at random pick-ups, and I noticed this is, somewhat common. Even in brand new ones still on the lot. I asked a body repair man, how much it would be to fix it and he said it wasn't necessary and that...
  12. M

    Does anybody want to buy a slightly used 40gb Ps3?

    I bought it in January 09 and wasn't satisfied with it so I bought a Xbox 360 instead and now I have a Ps3 here and I don't want it ruined or used as a space filler so I want to sell it to someone that will be willing to buy it.
  13. T

    What are the best places/websites to shop for slightly unusual offroad

    SUV's? What about slightly unusual cars? Thanks for the help and I'll pick a est answer
  14. T

    Ketones in urine, slightly elevated glucose?

    I had full blood work done as well as a urinary analysis last time I was at the clinic. I have yet to consult with my GP about the results, wondering if anyone can give me some information. The UA showed ketones, 15 mg/dL. My glucose was 109, which I understand is only slightly over normal...
  15. U

    So I have slightly elevated TSH... but what does that mean? Is my metabolism

    slower, or faster? My TSH was like 0.04 over the limit (high). But what does this mean? Is my thyroid working more than normal? Or less than normal? In which case is my slow thyroid making me fat? What influences thyroid function? How do I get my TSH values down?
  16. M

    Very slightly elevated bilirubin level? Cause for concern?

    Okay, I'm probably being a little over cautious here, but here goes. I'm a 30 y/o male with no health problems. I do, however, have a lot of paranoia about illness, thus I ordered a full blood screen at my last physical. I got the results and everything was normal except my Bilirubin level...
  17. W

    Ford 1999 ZX2 Totalled (Frame slightly bent). How do I proceed?

    If the frame is slightly bent, passenger side where it attaches to the bumper, can the car ever be safe to drive again? I got hit hard by a uninsured drunk driver. My insurance it turns out only has noninsured bodilly (not collision) coverage. I won't be taking it to a professional to do any...
  18. J

    What is the best source to find slightly used cube trucks to buy in Detroit?

    Anyone know where I can find slightly used cube trucks for purchase ??? Auctions would be great !!!
  19. D

    Do you think its even slightly possible that Jesus was just a doctor from our future?

    Jesus a time traveler? That is a new one... and sure it is possible, but that doctor would already know the final result...
  20. S

    I was using my N95 in the snow this morning and think the keypad got slightly wet?

    Now when I try to use my phone the number 1 is constantly scrolling along the screen, anybody any phone saving tips??? I can't do without my phone!!