
  1. M

    Do you actually buy your snacks at the movie theater or do you sneak them from home?

    If you sneak 'em, how do you sneak them in?
  2. L

    Any ideas on road trip snacks and/or snacks while on the slopes?

    hell, I just take bologna sammiches and cheese sticks when I travel.
  3. A

    What are some healthy snacks I can eat?

    I need to change my diet, what are some healthy snacks I can start munching on? Thanks.
  4. T

    What healthy snacks can I eat in between meals at school?

    In order to eat 5 small meals a day, I have to eat twice during school (not lunch). I obviously can't bring a plate of vegetables to school and just pull it out in class. It has to be something I can eat (or drink, such as a shake) fast and I don't have to cook or that will spoil. I was...
  5. G

    Quick, easy snacks for anytime that are healthy?

    During the day, its hard to not go for the bag of chips after working! I would like to know some easy, quick, healthy and delicious recipies that i can whip up. It could be anything from a fruit smoothe/ an actual food recipe. Please answer soon!
  6. N

    What are healthy snacks to eat while dieting?

    I am on a diet, and need to know what are good snacks to eat when I get hungry. Dont mention fruit...I eat that too, but sometimes I want a crunchy food, or something more filling than that....suggestions?
  7. L

    What are the best snacks I can buy at the grocery store?

    There is literally nothing to eat at home and I wanted to go grocery shopping with my mom. The problem is every time I go, all I end up buying is chips, then I have nothing to eat!! Can someone make a list of what I should buy? Like easy snacks I can quickly eat without cooking them. Thanks
  8. S

    Healthy snacks to eat, or food to cook?

    I am a firefighter, and find myself snacking on unhealthy foods and cooking unhealthy foods while on duty .. Any suggestions or little hints to help me out?? Not necisarilly looking for recipes but come good snacks and cooking hints. Thanks alot!!! will give 5 stars!
  9. C

    Moms, what healthy snacks do your kids eat?

    Just looking for some new options for my family!
  10. J

    healthy snacks to eat?

    snickers, butterfingers, ice cream, all along those lines..
  11. D

    which healthy snacks can i eat during the day?

    i have a very busy schedule where i eat in the morning (if that), go to work or school all day and get home at 10 or 11 p. what is good and healthy to eat throughout the day? i dont have access to a fridge but occasionally close to a microwave at school. i want to stop having to resort to...
  12. F

    snacks for road trip?

    we are going on a 6 hour road trip with an 11 month old and a 3 year old. im trying to think of snacks to bring along and at the moment all i can come up with are apples and string cheese. can't be too messy, we will be riding in a rental car. my mind is drawing a blank lol, my girls drive me...
  13. D

    Favourite Handheld Snacks?

    I'm thinking of buying snacks to keep my hunger down, I want something flavourful and easy to make/prepare (without any cooking), but I don't want chips cuz I just got off them. I wanna hear your favourite snacks and suggestions. 10 points for best answer?
  14. T

    What are some healthy snacks I can eat with braces?

    I can't eat anything crunchy or chewy (such as gum, nuts, chips, Powerbars, etc.). What can I munch on when I get hungry between meals, preferably foods with 100 calories or less? I can't eat popcorn either. Or candy.
  15. M

    What are some healthy snacks?

    I'm trying to keep myself from snacking on chips and junk food. I'm looking for something that's easy to make, and pretty good tasting too.
  16. S

    Favorite cockatiel snacks?

    I just got my 4 month old 'tiel today, his name is Louie :) I'm making up some snacks for him.. anyone have any ideas?
  17. R

    What are healthy snacks that high schoolers would eat? Looking for something

    that comes prepackaged........? I'm think along the lines of beef jerky (great protein, no carbs, low cal), maybe protein bars, something along those lines. I'm looking for prepackaged products no home recipes.
  18. E

    if your on a diet, is it okay to not eat full meals but healthy snacks?

    like salad, apples, celery, grains, etc. but not FULL MEALS. full meals as in; eggs, rice, bacon for breakfast sandwhich/ chicken for lunch pasta / beef/ for dinner. can you lose weight better if you eat small portions of healthy snacks? and only when your hungry?