
  1. D

    law making bodies in australia: laws reflect changing needs and values of society?

    What does that mean?
  2. T

    Statement On Critical Methotrexate Drug Shortage By American Society Of Hematology

    As the world's largest professional society concerned with the causes and treatment of blood disorders, many of ASH's more than 16,000 members are on the front lines of dealing with the country's severe shortage of methotrexate, a drug critical in the treatment of children with acute lymphocytic...
  3. L

    Lincoln's Wisconsin State agricultural society speech?

    That speech he made in 1859...what is he talking about?? I keep reading it but I don't get it. What points is he trying to get across? Who's he saying this speech to? PLEASE HELP ME!!! I'm lost
  4. S

    If society is misogynist, then why is there a Lexus commercial with a women...

    ...buying a car for the man? Buying a car has always been seen as a masculine thing to do. The women bought the car as a gift for the man, which means that the women in the ad has surplus income. Companies will only make commercials for what the statistics say what types of people will buy...
  5. L

    Why did Lex Luthor invite Sinestro to the "Secret society, Injustice league and...

    Why did Lex Luthor invite Sinestro to the "Secret society, Injustice league and... ...the legion of Doom"? If Lex Luthor hates aliens?
  6. A

    Why does society hate people who don't support Iran?

    Has following Iran become a style statement? That seems to be the case. It's funny how Iran tries to foist its religious-political structure on the world in the name of globalization, yet it's all protective of its own values.
  7. T

    how does rand's writing style reflect the society?

    i'm doing my assignment on anthem book and i wanted to know how her writing reflect the society? if you can help me that would be so wonderful
  8. A

    Should I return my new kitty to the Humane Society?

    A lot of the time, she is the nicest, sweetest little kitty and she cuddles and plays nice, but then sometimes she gets this evil look in her eye and attacks you. I noticed it one of the very first days we had her, I had to lock her back in the bathroom for the night, and when I picked her up...
  9. G

    Light Paint Can—Photographic Vandalism for Polite Society [Photography]

    Unless your name rhymes with "Anksy" or you've got the chops to do burners like this, you might want to consider a less...permanent means of expressing yourself in the public space. The Light Spray Can might just be the answer. More »
  10. K

    Are cell phones/internet a destructive force in our society? Yes? No? explain?

    All in the title. Thanks for your opinions
  11. G

    American Cancer Society

    You'll recall that I wrote something about the American Cancer Society and fundraising a few weeks ago (here). That was a response to something Greta Christina wrote, and now, Greta has updated us on the situation and has this post that you must read: Has the American Cancer Society Been Caught...
  12. A

    Humane Society Files Legal Complaint Against McDonald’s McRib Supplier

    The McDonald's McRib is back. You know. But we just can't seem to stop digging up dirt on the beloved-but-gross sandwich, so here goes: The latest news is that the Humane Society has filed a legal complaint against McDonald's pork supplier, Smithfield Foods, for raising pigs under inhumane...
  13. K

    Why is the government and the American lung cancer society pushing nicotine

    replacement products? Instead of the best way to quit smoking which is cold turkey. Devices such as patches, gum, losenges, e-cigs do not address the root cause of the addiction which is nicotine addiction. This is the same fallacy which has the opiate addict hooked on methadone or other...
  14. P

    How do I get my pet society vacation items onto the actual game?

    I play on my ipad and ive noticed people have the same hairstyles on the computer game, as the ones on vacation, Is there a button i have to press to stream the items? If it works, will my PFC on pet society vacation go to my facebook game?
  15. B

    what was peter Abelard role in the christian society?

    am doing a re assignment on peter Abelard and i can't find what's his role in the society... so if u guy's could help :)
  16. T

    Conference Sponsored By The American Physiological Society Focuses On Key Gender Diff

    For years, those involved in cardiac care viewed the diagnosis and treatment procedures for cardiovascular disease as applicable to both men and women, despite the fact that heart disease kills 200,000 women each year, five times the rate of breast cancer. Today, thanks in part to physiology --...
  17. L

    Do you think 3D technology will be a big part of society in the future?

    For those who don't know, 3D technology is technology that creates the perception of depth in a 2D image. For example, the Nintendo 3DS or 3D films. If you answer this question could you specify how?
  18. D

    Why do lesbians even complain about anything in this society?

    I don't see what lesbians have to complain about besides gay marriage. Lesbians are seen as sexy by everyone and as socially accepted. They have all the girls to hit on because all girls are bi/bicurioius. Girls don't bully you they most likely flirt with you all the time since girls are never...
  19. C

    What is a Literary Element in the book The Mysterious Benedict Society?

    I am doing a book report and i need a few Literary Elements from the book. I have read the book nonstop, and went through each chapter carefully, looking for on. Sadly, I couldn't find one, so i'm asking this question on here. I would like to please get an answer before Monday!!!!
  20. A

    why does people and society somehow make me smile and laugh, even though

    there's the cynicism and bitterness? in it?,... take for example i watched the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" a lot of times, is a good movie, given to the fact that it is a romantic comedy, plus i am having the renaissance for greek culture and mythology,.since i was in high school my...