
  1. M

    What is more important; global warming or a good society?

    presently our society is broken, the young people are disgusting and the old people are rude and shameless. Young people have no future prospects and not much chance of entering into a home owning democracy as house values are incorrect. why then are we focusing so much on global warming when...
  2. A

    how does Gossip Girl try to fix people’s impression of rich society?

    I already know Gossip girl Lets us into a world we don’t know (fixes our idea about the elite society), and Tells us what is (fashionable) but what else does it do
  3. W

    Just wondering, why does society hate pedophiles so much?

    Ok, don't take this question the wrong way. I am someone who definitely sees pedophiles as criminals who hurt children. However, the reason I think this is because I think children are not mature enough for sex. I thought this was why society would see pedophilia as wrong, but when I think about...
  4. G

    Minnesota Planetarium Society Absorbed By Bell Natural History Museum!

    It has been something of a struggle over the years for the people of the Minnesota Planetarium Society. They've been trying to get a planetarium in Minneapolis for some time now, but for a number of reasons (not their fault) this has proved too difficult. Now there is good news. The Bell...
  5. B

    transportation is the means in a development process of any human society yet it

    has remain migrate discuss? with reference
  6. T

    American Society Of Nuclear Cardiology Annual Meeting Promotes Patient-Centered Imagi

    The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology will host its 16th Annual Scientific Session, September 8 - 11, 2011 in Denver. Nearly 1,000 imaging specialists from around the world will gather at ASNC2011 to attend sessions reflecting the meeting's theme "Patient-Centered Imaging." Highlights...
  7. T

    Amgen Highlights Data To Be Presented At American Society For Bone And Mineral Resear

    Amgen (NASDAQ: AMGN) announced that it will present data from several Prolia® (denosumab) studies, including eight year efficacy and safety data from a Phase 2 extension study in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis with low bone mineral density (BMD), at the 2011 American Society for Bone and...
  8. H

    Is society to lenient on religion?

    Most of sane society tends to react to the more crazier theories with amusement and a sense of wonder at what make some people are attracted to such nonsense. Fairies , ghosts, flat earth, alien abduction, ghostly 'orbs' on photographs and religion. the difference is we allow some peoples...
  9. G

    Decision to keep software tax deductible 'excellent': NZ Computer Society

    NZCS welcomes Minister of Revenue Hon Peter Dunne's decision to reverse the Inland Revenue ruling that failed software projects aren't tax deductible.
  10. T

    Wilderness Medical Society Issues Important New Practice Guidelines For Frostbite Pre

    Frostbite can be a minor injury or a life-threatening condition. In the June issue of Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, a panel of experts has published evidence-based practice guidelines issued by the Wilderness Medical Society (WMS) for the prevention and treatment of frostbite to guide...
  11. T

    Sessions At American Pain Society Meeting To Focus On Prescription Pain Medication Mi

    Pain medication misuse and ways to control it is a complex and controversial issue that will be talked about extensively at the annual meeting of the American Pain Society, May 19-21 in Austin, Tex. Two panel sessions on Friday morning, May 20, will be devoted to pain medication abuse, how to...
  12. T

    Jamie Darling Leading The Charge For Team Alzheimer's Society At Launch Of Bupa Great

    Television presenter Jamie Darling is calling on people from Yorkshire and beyond to put on their trainers and help raise funds to fight dementia at the launch of the Bupa Great Yorkshire Run. Taking place in Sheffield on 19 April, Jamie will lead a stellar Yorkshire-born team including ITN...
  13. A

    The future of society and technology?

    Which scenario is most likely to happen? A. Society will go back to basics and technology will ease off B. Technology will continued to evolve with minor and major breakthroughs and society changes accordingly.
  14. W

    Do you believe in the future society wil depend more in technology or less?

    Do you believe in the future society wil depend more in technology or less? yes,no why?
  15. T

    How Edgar Allan Poe's "Ligeia" reflected or affected society?

    How did the story, "Ligeia" by Edgar Allan Poe affect society/reflect society during the Romanticism period? What message did the story want to give society and how does it overall connect with society in the Romanticism period? Any help with any of these questions would be much appreciated...
  16. A

    Sociology I Class: I need help with a topic about the upper class society....

    ...Something interesting please.? Please help. Something interesting please. I need to write an eight page research proposal without falling asleep
  17. P

    What do feminists have to complain about in Western society?

    They have the same rights as men, but yet this still complain. Are they trying to be the alpha gender or something?
  18. D

    What is the plot structure for the story "The Secret Society of the Pink...

    ...Crystal Ball?"? I need to know the conflict/rising action, climax, falling action, resolution and the denouement. Thanks in advance
  19. Y

    it has been argued that cooperative society are common among the low income

    earners. explain why? A question from cooperative society
  20. Y

    it has been argued that cooperative society are common among the low income

    earners. explain why? A question from cooperative society