
  1. J

    Do I have to learn to speak Hebrew if I want to fully convert to Judaism?

    and what branch of Judaism do you think is the best. I was thinking I would go for orthodox. What do you think?
  2. J

    Do I have to learn to speak Hebrew if I want to fully convert to Judaism?

    and what branch of Judaism do you think is the best. I was thinking I would go for orthodox. What do you think?
  3. F

    What language did Alexius I Comnenus speak, and what was his religion?

    I have a project to do and I've researched everywhere with no luck. Can someone please help?!
  4. P

    how do i speak japanese?

    I have to make a speech in Japanese
  5. G

    Obama cover up of Crashergate begins. Why won't he let Desiree Rogers speak?

    http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iL7g_0x9UY9gCARttAWEeRBVD5mwD9CBG4L00 WH social aide won't testify about gatecrashers " The White House is refusing to send its social secretary to Congress on Thursday to testify about the gatecrashing at last week's state dinner — a decision...
  6. M

    I have a bluetooth headset and ventrilo and I can speak through the headset...

    ...but not hear through any advice? I have set the device up through my bluetooth configuration and it works and I can talk through the mouth piece put the audio coming back from others is through my laptops speakers or headphones if I plug those in my question is how do I get the volume to go...
  7. M

    I have a bluetooth headset and ventrilo and I can speak through the headset...

    ...but not hear through any advice? I have set the device up through my bluetooth configuration and it works and I can talk through the mouth piece put the audio coming back from others is through my laptops speakers or headphones if I plug those in my question is how do I get the volume to go...
  8. M

    I have a bluetooth headset and ventrilo and I can speak through the headset...

    ...but not hear through any advice? I have set the device up through my bluetooth configuration and it works and I can talk through the mouth piece put the audio coming back from others is through my laptops speakers or headphones if I plug those in my question is how do I get the volume to go...
  9. M

    The Pakistani Captain can't speak English? WTF? LOL!!?

    I'm watching the post match interview, this chap is answering in Urdu, can't even speak English, lmao!!
  10. D

    How would it be made possible to speak Ancient Greek?

    At the moment I'm preparing for an experiment of trying to make it possible to conversate in Ancient Greek, do you guys have any advices that can help me to find basic phrases of the language for example to make a start and to improve?
  11. P

    What are the names of each chapter in Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson?

    I borrowed the audio book on CD to listen to but it each chapter doesn't have a title so I can't its hard to find the part where I left off on. This bothers me because I think that chapter titles are important (if authors decide to use them). Also, the book was divided into 5 cd's and each has...
  12. I

    Why is discussing Israel an unspoken 'taboo' in the US when people openly speak

    out about anywhere else? People almost seem to be looking over their shoulder when talking about it?
  13. C

    What do Nostradamus' writings speak of after the 2012 premonitions?

    I'm not a firm believer, I'm just curious to know what the events the writing speaks of after "the world is touched by fire."
  14. S

    Why should a store owner insist that his customers speak English?

    Do you think this is fair, afterall it's a business open to everyone and the reality is not every one speaks English.
  15. T

    Why do most straight men and some gay men have to speak those they aren't...

    ...attracted to so negatively? I am bi so I don't understand why straight guys have to be so negative towards other men and some gay men have to be so negative towards women? One example of Straight men being negative towards their own gender is their IDEA that two men together is disgusting...
  16. X

    Can a canary wing parakeet learn to speak?

    Well i just got my canary wing parakeet and hes awesome but i was just wondering if they can learn to speak? Do they usually whistle? Do they usually just mmimic? also what are some of the fruits or veggies i can give him he will like?
  17. L

    wii question about wii speak?

    can i use my traditional computer head set as a mic? or do i have to buy the wii version?
  18. S

    How can I speak into a microphone while having it playback as I'm talking.?

    I have Vista Home premium and I'm trying have my speakers playback what I'm saying into the mic, as i'm talking. Like a karaoke thing, but without music.
  19. C

    Have you ever heard a Hollywood celebrity speak against terrorism and...

    ...Islamic fundamentalism? They constantly whine about how bad America is and how people don't have enough special rights, yet I've never heard one talk about freedom in the Middle East.
  20. B

    why do people speak quietly on land phone but loudly on mobile phone?

    or, why do people feel more comfortable on land phone? suppose, the frequency level is strong both for mobile and land phone.