
  1. D

    Are the movie stars Robert Walker (Strangers on a Train) and Bill Murray (Ghost

    Busters) somehow related? In my film class the other day, we watched Hitchcock's movie: Strangers on a Train. The antagonist, Bruno (Robert Walker), looked AWFULLY a lot like Bill Murray... And I mean AWFULLY!!! Are their any movie-buffs out there who know if the two are related somehow?
  2. F

    POLL: Do you talk to random strangers?

    Its good fun and makes people Happy!
  3. O

    i have dreams im in deep relationships with strangers i do not know.then i...

    ...wake up missing them and feeling? when i wake up i feel emotionally connected to them ,missing them and lonely.are the people in my dreams people that have died? why do i feel this way? its a strange feeling.
  4. K

    Recurring dreams about random strangers? Any thoughts?

    At least twice a week I have a dreams about a stranger, they are always male. I can see their faces but I never find out their names. Usually they help me and/or there is some kind of romantic interest. It's never the same exact stranger. I don't go into big crowds of people very often so it's...
  5. T

    akita puppy wags tail at strangers but not at us, his owners. why?

    We have a 10 week old Akita puppy who we have had for 3 weeks now, so far he has learnt SIT, PAW and SPEAK, so we believe he is very intelligent. He sleeps in his bed in the kitchen, when we come down on a morning he doesnt wag or anything just greets us with a little excitement, however when we...
  6. T

    akita puppy wags tail at strangers but not at us, his owners. why?

    We have a 10 week old Akita puppy who we have had for 3 weeks now, so far he has learnt SIT, PAW and SPEAK, so we believe he is very intelligent. He sleeps in his bed in the kitchen, when we come down on a morning he doesnt wag or anything just greets us with a little excitement, however when we...
  7. E

    Do you get friend invitations on facebook from strangers, not having ur picture

    posted? I do not have a picture, only registered with a very brief description. This week suddenly I get these random invitations to be friends with people? What do you think is going on here? Seriously, I'd like to know. Thank you for your answer(s)!
  8. D

    What was the Strangers In Paradise volume...?

    there was one of the Strangers In Paradise volumes that had the authors poem, Deathbird, on the back, and above it was a woman in a dress with a gun holster on her upper thigh. i can't remember which one it was, could you please help me out here?
  9. D

    Am i right to say that when the show Perfect Strangers first started Balki had

    no foreign accent? I know I'm not the only one to witness that Balki had no accent when the show "Perfect Strangers" first started. Everyone seems to think I just made this up, any people out there to back me up on this?
  10. J

    Where can I download Perfect Strangers from season 3 onwards?

    I tried Bit Torrent but I can't find from season 3 onwards. Just season 1 and 2. Can you tell me from where I can download PS please?
  11. L

    Strangers on the Internet,why is it...?

    ...every single time I watch Lazytown,I want to kick the living crap out of Sportacus?
  12. L

    When your children ask how you chose their name, will you honestly say strangers...

    ...on the internet picked it? Just seems a little weird asking a bunch of strangers on yahoo answers to name your baby.
  13. Y

    Do you like to chat with strangers that you met here on YA?

    I do. :) we can chat inside Yahoo Mail... [email protected]
  14. S

    the strangers vs the ring?

    Which one should i rent?
  15. C

    my friends dog is always following strangers. what should she do?

    her dog never stays by her side and always loves to go up to strangers and sometimes follows them home. she is not cruel to the dog or anything. she spoils the dog literally
  16. K

    Is 'The Strangers' a good movie?

    Negative. Try Funny Games.
  17. V

    is sex with strangers so bad with protection keeps hubbys away from prostitutes .....

    ...!.? least house keeping wont be touched as i do it for fun .
  18. M

    Strangers on the Internet? I would really like a parent's opinion.?

    I know talking to strangers online is dangerous. But I found these people through a virtual disney world game, vmk. First I joined the game, then eventually I joined a message board. That's where I met really nice adults, and people my age. Then eventually I gave my screen name out to a few...