Whats better I have two twin brothers there 8 years old and my husband has never been to universal studios nor disneyland and my new born will go but she doesnt count shes to little so whats good and where can the tickets for sale like in what month do they put specials or something
There is a song used in several Universal Studios DVD commercials that I would love to find the name of, if it exists outside of the commercial. There are no words to it, it starts off with some percussion, and it can be found on commercials on the DVDs for The Mummy Returns. There is a version...
I was never much of a Stargate SG-1 fan—just wasn't the same without Kurt Russell—but if the TV series is as good as this short film, I'm going to need to clear some space on my Instant Queue. More »
oppsosed to a CD? I know the sound won't be as clear when listening to an mp3 format using the studio beats, but will it still be much clearer, bassier, and crisper than other headphones, and is the the quality of the mp3s really good?
Thor, etc.)? Marvel Studios has hinted at bringing together The Avengers at the end of both Iron Man movies, Hulk, and most likely, the upcoming movie, Thor. When is that going to happen? How are they going to do it? The same as the comic?
...he posts his videos on YouTube? For example, if I post videos of myself, acting scenes from famous movies, and then they can see the difference with the real scene, and maybe see the talent
I mean, if you play the scene, almost like a professionnal, very seriously?
Do you think the casting...
I'm taking a vacation to Los Angeles soon, and was wondering what the Universal Studios tours are like? Do you think there would be a chance to meet celebrities? Hahah. Just wondering. Thank you.