
  1. J

    How come I can suddenly check-in using my PDA?

    I have a hp iPAQ Pocket PC 2003. Its quite an old PDA. Today, when I went online over WiFi, all of a sudden, the 'check-in' option was available. How come? Any ideas? I did not update my PDA or service it. I did not do anything.
  2. A

    Ex boyfriend who cheated suddenly talks to me and ask me to a formal event?

    My boyfriend of 3 years joined a fraternity in college and cheated on me during the short time we have been here (2 monthes) I wasnt aware of this, however, told him we needed to take a break due to his behaviour while drinking- which was sometimes violent. After two weeks into the break, he...
  3. R

    my sony ericsson mix walkman has suddenly stoped letting me go to messages or...

    ...contacts help? it will say please wait but ive let it wait for hours :\
  4. D

    Suddenly getting PMS migraines?

    I'm 19 and have been getting my period since I was 13 and I am not sexually active. Over the last 4 months, I've been getting severe migraines on the days before and during my period. I have never had any PMS symptoms until recently. Now I'm getting the headaches, as well as severe irritability...
  5. R

    Why did my torrent suddenly slow down?

    I've been downloading a torrent for the past 3 days and it has been downloading for a steady 70 kbps. There were also other torrents downloading. About 2-3 torrents were downloading. When I opened my computer today, all the torrents were dead. I had to call for other trackers by btreannouncer...
  6. M

    You are with that someone special at last, having sex, but you suddenly need to

    chit, and NOW!? All that star bucks and stuffed cabbage on the date suddenly wants out! And you are just about to come like a tsunami! It is a delima I had never experienced before in my 66 years of packing that pork. What to do? Pull out and sprint to the pot and download this sewage? Then...
  7. J

    Dram of a weird wild colorful bird with 4 wings flying and suddenly wraps it's...

    ...wings around me? This strange colorful bird with 4 wings was coming flying from a misty darkish forest and I gaze at it's beauty but when I return to speak to friends this beautiful wild bird wraps it's wings around my neck and it seemed as if I were a charm to it. It chirped twice. It also...
  8. C

    Cat suddenly pees everywhere?

    My family has had the same cat for about 6 years now. He was a rescue. He has never been abused, he has a very nice life. He is about 10 years old and has recently started urinating in random places. He is fixed, and there have been no changes in his habitat. In the past two months, he...
  9. M

    Why is Windows DVD Maker suddenly taking a full day just to burn one DVD?

    It's totally annoying and driving me crazy! It used to burn a full 150-minute DVD in about 2 or 3 hours or so. But the last DVD took 21 HOURS! That's just insane! I have a Dell Inspiron 531s desktop computer (32 bit) with Windows Vista. I went to TASK MANAGER and changed the PRIORITY of...
  10. L

    My rats are suddenly fat?

    I have two baby rats, 4 and 6 weeks old. They were always slick and thin and suddenly, within a day they were chubby. Kind of bloated and round. They are behaving the same. Hyper, happy and loving. Just more round. I feed each of them a piece of dog food a day because the breeder recommended...
  11. S

    my wifi on my sony ericsson w995 suddenly stopped working!? please help...?

    had my w995 for 2 years! my wifi worked so amazingly and fast. i had saved my home wireless router as one of my favourites. and everytime i turn my phone on, when i'm at home, it automatically connects. but now it cannot even find a router. i went on my setting, connectivity, wifi-...
  12. A

    my itouch settings have changed suddenly its giving voice instructions and locked... its disabled for 60 min? moreover i didn't put any password for my itouch
  13. R

    Is he interested suddenly or am I imagining it?

    I met this guy when I was 16, at church. Naturally, I started going to youth functions because I knew he'd be there (how pathetic). He wasn't interested, obviously. I got to know his whole family pretty well. The summer after freshman year of college, Ty needed a summer job, and my dad hired...
  14. T

    My girlfriend suddenly won't have sex with me?

    So here's the story: A couple days ago I received a laser gun from my grandma. It said on the box not to point it in anyone's eyes. So I decided to be a rebel and I told my girlfriend (who I've been living with for 6 months) that I was gonna point this laser in her eye. She told me no, so I...
  15. M

    What's wrong with my fish?? One's suddenly dead and anther's swimming...

    ...weird? How do I protect the others? It's in the middle of the night where I am and a splash woke me up. Everybody seemed fine earlier today, but a dwarf gourami is dead at the bottom and a swordtail swims around kinda frantically upside down with it's body arched to one side, kinda burrows...
  16. M

    What's wrong with my fish?? One's suddenly dead and anther's swimming...

    ...weird? How do I protect the others? It's in the middle of the night where I am and a splash woke me up. Everybody seemed fine earlier today, but a dwarf gourami is dead at the bottom and a swordtail swims around kinda frantically upside down with it's body arched to one side, kinda burrows...
  17. C

    My cat suddenly whines ALOT one day! HELP!!!?

    My cat Christmas was well this afternoon. When my mum came home,she carried her awhile and she whined (It was common as she want to come down). But the whining did not stop. Normally,it would stop but today she whined as if in pain for the whole night. If someone is not looking at her,she whines...
  18. G

    nothing like going on a romantic vacation with ur gf and then she suddenly gets her

    period, FML? oh my effffing god ....seriously this is eeeeeefing bs. fML
  19. D

    Why did my ROM drive suddenly stop reading DVD movies? It can read and play

    audio CDs? The problem started when i used Windows DVD maker. I used Windows DVD maker to burn movies into DVD+RW. Now, everytime i put in a dvd movie, it doesn't play. It doesn't even read some DVDs with applications in it. Whenever i put a DVD movie in the drive and click it, the drive opens...
  20. G

    nothing like going on a romantic vacation with ur gf and then she suddenly...

    ...gets her period, FML? oh my effffing god ....seriously this is eeeeeefing bs. fML