
  1. G

    10 Visions of the Los Angeles That Could Have Been

    Los Angeles isn't generally famous for its innovative urban design. But there have been many attempts to transform the city into a modern metropolis through visionary architecture and transportation projects. In their exhibition Never Built: Los Angeles, the Architecture and Design Museum is...
  2. H

    I had visions of a spirit telling me about the future?

    He said yo hey man the future is gonna be so cool. What does this mean? Seems cool.
  3. M

    So I fell asleep in class the other day and I had these "visions"?

    While resting and attempting to catch up on some sleep in class, I would fall asleep but be in that awkward almost conscious state. You know what I mean if you nod off. Anyway, I would see these sharp and clear images of a classroom, people sitting at desks, doing work. My half conscious self...
  4. I

    Do i have visions and/or premonitions?

    When i was 4 my Uncle was very sick and if i remember right had lung cancer. We were headed to the hospital to see him and we were almost there when i a thought popped into my head: "Uncle Pual is dead." a few seconds later my moms phone rings and she awnser it and starts crying. When she got...
  5. A

    Christians, is it true, anybody who sees visions schizophrenic?

    I do take pyschology classes and the sytmptoms I read and classify ....... can be compared to those people in the bible. Its really confusing.
  6. P

    Which religions believe in visions appearing?

    Not in their dreams, or during trances, but actually appearing as a form infront of them. Gods or angels, etc, and I mean ever happening and being recording in their religious texts and such. So I'm including Noah, Saint Mary, Mohammad, etc. Just wondering ?
  7. N

    60 visions: a book of prophecy?

    my 14 year old brother really likes bob marley and anything to do with him. so i went online to see if i could find any books about him and i came across 60 visions: a book of prophecy, which is written by bob marley. do you think i should get it for him? can you give me a little information on...
  8. S

    Why do i keep haveing these visions?

    things happen at school, like a fight around say 5th period which would be my lunch period but.....when someone mentions it i instantly think i was there i mean i vividly remember being there seeing everything but that's not possible beings i am in lunch when it happened and there in the gym on...
  9. T

    Why does GOD ALWAYS answer my prayers so dramatically by dreams or visions?!!?

    Recently prayed for my cousin who has recently stabbed her husband. My family was very concerned & I didn't know how I could help her. So I told my bible study leader & she said she would pray about it. But I don't have anyone to pray with about it. I'm not in a prayer group right now. So...
  10. S

    What's the book where a woman visions after head injury?

    I read this awhile ago and now I can't remember a title or author. I remember the injury happened before the book starts and the woman is self concious about her scarred bald head. Her boyfriend is a cop and she helps solve a kidnapping. Sound familiar to anyone?
  11. V

    Books similar to Dark Visions?

    I was into the whole psychic powers thing. Know any similarly themed books?
  12. F

    What good news did Paul receive in the Visions and Revelations of Jesus...

    ...Christ , that the other disciples...? NEVER RECEIVED OR HEARD, by the other apostles THAT PAUL was able to CALLED THAT GOSPEL OF GOOD NEWS "HIS GOSPEL" ? SEE Galatians 1: 11-12 and Romans 2: 16 and Romans 16: 25 and Ephesians 3: 1-9 Paul says he didn't recieve from men nor was he taught it...
  13. I

    Have you ever met someone who said god talked to them and gave them visions?

    Well when I was at my old apartment building my roomate brought over someone called damion over and I got to talking about meditation and opening of the third eye and he said he would open it for me then he got behind me and picked up a kinfe and said you pray to god that I don't stab you and...
  14. K

    Do you believe in psychic visions or premonitions?

    If you do, have you or a friend expierenced one? What is it like? Do they have a basic integer of time they show?( do they only show a certain amount of time ahead.) What triggers a vision? I know I asked a lot, I just want answers from different people instead of reading an article. Any extra...
  15. D

    Do some people really have visions or premonitions of the future?

    I have a co worker who I have become very close friends with I wont explain how she and I got onto this subject, am sick of explaining that part She told me she is a big believer in miracles, saying she had experience some of her own, citing her daughter as an example. She told me her daughter...
  16. S

    Visions of red tides or splashes?

    I woke up to a slightly disturbing image or vision, whatever you want to call it, this morning. It appeared as a red splash, like someone had jumped into a pool. As the water subsided, I saw peoples faces, like they were yelling and screaming...does anyone have an explanation for me?
  17. G

    My gf friend has what I would call visions or premonitions. Some have came true.

    Input? Just for an example. About a month ago she had a vision of a house and sign (that she's never seen or been to) she wrote down what was on the sign (was a road sign) by a bridge. She described the exact words on the sign and what was around the area. She has never been to this place. A...
  18. T

    Are these physic dreams, visions, or premonitions?

    I have these dreams, I say dreams because I'm sleeping, and I don't remember until I see it in real life. Example: One dream was me looking in the mirror at my pretty, long, dark and curly hair. In the dream I knew I was suppose to have my hair the way it is now, very short and brown. But i...
  19. H

    Do people tend to see the negative in people, events, leaders,visions whatever?

    Rather than the positive. Or am I just losing my optimism Cassius Melissa and twenty Really you think there is so much to be negative about. Without sounding like Polly bloody Anna isn't that like really draining and soul destroying to lose hope like that? Grossly underestimating yourself (lol)...
  20. K

    What if bible prophecies were old day psychics who had visions of the future?

    And god did not tell them nothing, but they did not understand their visions, so assumed a higher power told them? i meant prophets