
  1. K

    Why dont the Cowboys give up on Wade Phillips and Tony Homo?

    I used to love the Cowboys but they keep making bad decisions Romo suck they need to get rid of him....they had the chance to get Tebow a real winner and they passed him up, and he is doing way better then Romo this year
  2. H

    Wade fishing Christmas Bay in Freeport, TX?

    I've been out to Christmas Bay 3 times in the past couple weeks and its always very active and its exactly the kind of hole I've been looking for since moving to Houston 2 years ago, unfortunately I haven't done too well on the catching side. Just a few rat reds and small specks, but no keepers...
  3. C

    Do you think the NXT season 2 rookies might help Wade Barrett beat John Cena...

    ...tommrow at HIAC? because they said that if Nexus interferes Cena wins, so i think this would be a great idea to get the those guys back on TV, and plus Nexus would be bigger, and stronger with guys like Joe Henning in it your thoughts?
  4. K

    Live Celebration: Heat introduce LeBron James, Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade?

    are you guys watching?
  5. K

    Would it be funny if Wade left to go Chicago and Miami had to literally fill that...

    ...roster with 43 mil? Riley cleared space to sign 3 max free agents (stingy) to compete with us. At the moment only chalmers and beasley are under contract. It would be funny if Wade left and he had to add average or mediocre players there because no stars want to go there if Wade is not...
  6. A

    OK survey only, if LeBron stays, what's the plan for Bosh and Wade?

    Wade and Bosh? A.Both To Chicago B.Both To Miami C. Bosh to Chicago, Wade to Miami or vice versa D. Both to other teams
  7. E

    What do you think of these free agency predictions? (James, Wade, Bosh)?

    LEBRON JAMES Chicago Bulls (Henry Abbott, True Hoop) Chicago Bulls (J.A. Adande, ESPN) Chicago Bulls (Kevin Arnovitz, TrueHoop) Chicago Bulls (Larry Coon, ESPN) Chicago Bulls (Chad Ford, ESPN) Chicago Bulls (John Hollinger, ESPN) New York Knicks (Chris Sheridan, ESPN) Cleveland Cavaliers (Marc...
  8. V

    Lebron, Wade, and Bosh: Recipe to manufacture a cheap championship?

    These guys are great. However (and I'm a Bulls fan), I feel like a championship won if two of these players (and especially three) get on the same team is not a real championship. It would be a New York Yankee-like title. Please share your thoughts.
  9. B

    Wade finds 2nd Bulls meeting ‘very interesting’?

    Is this a sign that Wade make be comming back home heat fans should be worry he does live in Chicago.
  10. T

    Former Solicitor General: Roe V. Wade Likely To Be Overturned

    Politico reports that Walter Dellinger, a former acting solicitor general and liberal scholar, "predicted Tuesday night that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe vs. Wade, the landmark decision that gives women abortion rights." Conservatives on the court have made overturning the decision a...
  11. K

    How great of a player would Dwayne Wade be with LeBron James body (No Homo)?

    Dwayne Wade is already good, but would he be great if he had LeBrons strength and athleticism?
  12. L

    Do you guys think Jason Wade is hot!?

    Jason Wade the lead singer of Lifehouse what do u think is he hot? i listen to his song "you and me" jeez he is HOT! LOL incase u guys cant picture what hes look like lol http://worshipcity.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/94.jpg http://www.celebritydogblog.com/images/jasonwadelifehouse.jpg
  13. J

    Who else think that Wade Barret shoul've won the Rookie Battle Royal?

    I mean that guy has the potential and it could have being cool to see he and Jericho host the next monday night raw
  14. A

    Wade, East Hold On For Win

    By Patrick FischbachSpectacular. Astonishing. Dazzling. Breathtaking. Extraordinary.A flurry of all these adjectives combined would still not be enough to capture the sight of this year’s NBA All-Star game that was held in the brand new Cowboys Stadium. The same stadium that routinely...
  15. A

    Wade, East Hold On For Win

    By Patrick Fischbach Spectacular. Astonishing. Dazzling. Breathtaking. Extraordinary. A flurry of all these adjectives combined would still not be enough to capture the sight of this year’s NBA All-Star game that was held in the brand new Cowboys Stadium. The same stadium that routinely...
  16. A

    Wade, East Hold On For Win

    By Patrick FischbachSpectacular. Astonishing. Dazzling. Breathtaking. Extraordinary.A flurry of all these adjectives combined would still not be enough to capture the sight of this year’s NBA All-Star game that was held in the brand new Cowboys Stadium. The same stadium that routinely...
  17. A

    dwyane wade t-mobile shoes?

    what shoes is wade wearing in the mytouch commercial? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bLvvZjPpT8 thanks!
  18. A

    Cavs win in LeBron vs. Wade match

    Cleveland Cavs 92, Miami Heat 91Last week it was Kobe and the Lakers this week, Monday night it was the Miami Heat. The Cleveland Cavs are quietly, or not so quietly depending on how you look at it putting space between themselves and the rest of the eastern conference.Monday night Dwyane Wade...
  19. A

    Report: Wade Phillips will be back

    According to ESPN, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones will not fire head coach Wade Phillips after an*embarrassing*loss in the Metrodome Sunday. The Cowboys have an option on Phillips which they will likely exercise according to the report.Also, by virtue of losing to the Vikings (being the...
  20. A

    Report: Wade Phillips will be back

    According to ESPN, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones will not fire head coach Wade Phillips after an*embarrassing*loss in the Metrodome Sunday. The Cowboys have an option on Phillips which they will likely exercise according to the report.Also, by virtue of losing to the Vikings (being the...