
  1. A

    Report: Wade Phillips will be back

    According to ESPN, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones will not fire head coach Wade Phillips after an*embarrassing*loss in the Metrodome Sunday. The Cowboys have an option on Phillips which they will likely exercise according to the report.Also, by virtue of losing to the Vikings (being the...
  2. T

    Kobe/MJ,King Crab/Magic.Is Wade the Future Vince/Tmac excellent skills but will sit

    out a lot&injury prone? Kobe has the winning passion and plays similar to MJ, King Crab is the Magic of today, so who is Wade replacing?
  3. C

    I am headed to Freeport, TX for some wade fishing. Any advise on locations or...

    ...bait/tackle? Hopefully "Ike" wont screw thing up too much!