
  1. C

    Jehovah's Witnesses, do you have the Spirit of Christ?

    If so then why wouldn't the Holy Spirit give you Spiritual Food instead of having to get all spiritual food frpm your organization. Why can't all of you be born of the Spirit.? Anyone who has the Spirit of Christ can be born again and anointed. What if the organization made a mistake and...
  2. J

    Why did Jehovah's Witnesses make a failed prediction?

    Witness publications teach that God's kingdom is a literal government in heaven, ruled by Jesus Christ and 144,000 Christians drawn from the earth. They believe 1914 marks the restoration of God's rule over earth after being halted for 2520 years since 607 BC, the date they uniquely assign to...
  3. M

    Are Jehova's Witnesses' false biblical prophecies proof that Scientology

    may be getting a bad rap? Charles Russell and Nelson Barbour taught that Christ had returned in 1874 and that 1914 would be when all political rulership would be overthrown. And that Jewish 'patriarchs' (Abraham and Isaac),would be resurrected in 1925. And later, The Watchtower thought that...
  4. J

    Jehovah's Witnesses, which eschatological prophecies do you believe have...

    ...been fulfilled already? there are numerous prophecies that the Bible has given concerning the end times. which of these prophecies do you believe have been fulfilled already? expound, please.
  5. T

    Why do Jehovah's Witnesses tell future converts to use a Bible that has false parts?

    I asked a similar question, but all of the JWs tried to dodge the question. Why would they tell people to read a Bible that has bad parts that don't work? That's like telling them to go drive a car that has no brakes, but it'll work the same as a car that does. They believe the only inerrent...
  6. H

    Jehovah's Witnesses: Is It True that Apollos Was Not A Christian?

    What I mean is this: I read on Yahoo that Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians because they do not have spiritual understanding. Does that mean that Apollos was not a Christian since he was familiar ONLY with the baptism of John and was not teaching people about being baptized in the name of...
  7. W

    Jehovah's Witnesses: Which comes first, destruction of Babylon the Great or cry of...

    ...peace and security? According to your beliefs, which of these two events is the first to take place?
  8. M

    JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES - Is the existence of the Watchtower Society today...

    ...predicated on the 1914 return of Christ? Please begin with a direct YES or NO then after continue with any further explanation.
  9. A

    Jehovah's Witnesses: Is it true that one of us is creating multiple accounts . . .?

    Jehovah's Witnesses: Is it true that one of us is creating multiple accounts to write about Sahidic Coptic John 1:1, and thereby create some "buzz" concerning Sahidic John 1:1 on the Internet? I've heard from a couple of JW critics that all the info favorable to JWs on the Internet concerning...
  10. I

    Jehovah's Witnesses, how much did Russell's astrology play in deciding 1914...

    ...was the date of Christ's return? In 1903, just a few years before the date you claim Christ returned invisibly Russel wrote, “When Uranus and Jupiter meet in the humane sign of Aquarius in 1914, the long-promised era will have made a fair start in the work of setting man free to work out his...
  11. J

    What is the most recent false prophecy by Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Back up it goes. Now that those born in 1914 are almost 100 years old, the prophecy that I was raised believing, that individuals alive in 1914 would witness armageddon is all but completely disconfirmed. Are there any other prophecies that are soon to be disconfirmed, or perhaps new prophecies...
  12. J

    What is the most recent false prophecy by Jehovah's Witnesses?

    I know they have been trying to get out of the business of false prophecy, and they have hundreds of false prophecies that they have yet to answer for. They have also done a lot of back tracking and flip flopping to avoid the immenent disconfirmation of for example, that the individuals who...
  13. R

    what bible is used by jouva witnesses?

    what bible is used by Jehovah witness
  14. D

    Are The Jehovahs Witnesses religion a Cult? False Prophecies?

    I mean the leaders of this society, organization have made false prophecies of the end of the world more than 100 years ago and they are still a credible religion? Do they even do any good for the community or for just themselves?
  15. U

    Jehovahs Witnesses: If you secretly Recorded your own Disfellowshipping meeting...

    ...and proved.....? that it was handled in a NON scriptural Way, what would be the consequences? Would your proof exonerate you or would your disfellowshiooing stand because you have broken the rules by recording the proceedings which are supposed to be in secret? Book of Mormon: Why would I...
  16. D

    Some people came to my door and said they were Jehovah's Witnesses. I replied,

    "That's funny,? I didn't know He was in an accident." Does this make me a bad person?
  17. W

    Is it true that Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is Archangel Michael?

    Or is it another untruth being told about this religion (just like any other religion)? But If it's true, on what basis have they (Jehovah's Witnesses) concluded that Jesus and Archangel Michael are the same?
  18. C

    Jehovah's Witnesses, if you are the ONLY true religion then why doesn't the

    Watchtower follow Jesus' command? The Good Samaritan in Luke helped a Jew - he had compassion for him, he treated his wounds, he carried him to safety, he paid for his lodging and care. The Samaritan and Jews were of different religions. Also, in James the Bible says true religion is to help...
  19. D

    Jehovah's Witnesses, Which is more important the Jewish Passover or Christ'

    Memorial of his death in April? Both in April 2011. Which can we kindly invite Jewish people and others to? The Jewish Passover is only done once a year to recall their freedom from Egypt in Moses day. When is the Jewish Passover in 2011? The observance of Passover, falls on the Hebrew calendar...
  20. J

    so I've been told that Jehovah Witnesses do not celebrate civil holidays and some...

    ...christian holidays? can someone tell me if this is true, and if yes why they do not celebrate civil holidays, and what christian holidays do they not celebrate??