
  1. D

    Where can i find a good wrist watch for hiking?

    Anyone know of any good versatile watches that are durable and under 100 bucks
  2. J

    Can I drive with a wrist pin making a noise?

    I have a Blazer and the Wrist pin is making a noise. Can I still drive the car? What will happen If I dont get it fixed?
  3. M

    does roger federer move his wrist during a forehand?

    when i do my forehand i tend to move my wrist a lot because i try to be as relaxed as possible Ive seen a lot of roger federers forehand and i noticed he kind of move his wrist a lot, i mean from when he takes his racquet back to the contact point... Is this bad or do I just need more practice???
  4. V

    Timex Concept: The Watch Not On Your Wrist

    Save for jewelry, forget about wearing anything on your wrist. In the future, our nails will tell the time! At least if Watch on thumbnail TX54 ever hits retail.As a concept, the TX54 is simply a translucent tiny timekeeping device that attaches to your fingernail. Features such as changing the...
  5. G

    When should you start using wrist weights?

    when you 1st start working out or when you get stronger or does it really matter?
  6. C

    What kind of wrist Injury might I have?

    Hey there - So my wrists are pretty weak, and since yesterday I have had a sharp pain going from the inside edge, especially when I bend it down (which it doesn't fully), and when I wrap my other hand around it and squeeze, it cracks pretty noticeably. Any ideas?
  7. B

    how to break a hand or wrist?

    i need to know this is not for me its for my health thing
  8. B

    Is my wrist sprained or what?

    yesterday i was leaning over the edge of my bed and my dog jumped on my bed and knocked me off. my left wrist was bent downward and i landed on it it hurts to lay it down and there is a sharp pain. there was no bruising or swelling in the process but it hurts so bad i was crying earlier. please...
  9. H

    My friend tried cutting her wrist?

    i am 13 and my friend tried cutting her wrist. what should i say. should i tell someone? please help
  10. K

    is my wrist broken? help?

    almost 2 weeks ago i was involved in a bar fight and i think i gave some guy a preety hard straight left. woke up next day and my wrist has been killin me could barely move it. its been gettin better i can move it now but i have it wrapped almost all the time i cant put any pressure on it or...
  11. T

    Every time I ride a bike I break my wrist?

    Every time I ride my bike I break my wrists almost immediately. This has happened four times. What should I do? I tried wearing wrist guards after the second time. You guys don't understand. I don't do tricks, and I don't fall or crash into anything. I just break my wrists.
  12. M

    My wrist and the palm of my hand has been hurting since hockey?

    I can't put much pressure on it and it hurts to spread open my hand all the way. Did I sprain it? Or could it be serious?
  13. W

    Is my wrist broken!!!!!?

    Yesterday durring bball i got slammed into a girl and was thrown to the floor. It happend so fast that i wasnt able to react and fell full on on my right wrist. While i was walkin to the bench i started feeling dizzy and almost fainted, luvkly my coach grabbed me. I went to the emergency and had...
  14. L

    Is my wrist broke!!please help?

    My wrist really hurts,I can move it but it hurts so much please help http://s693.photobucket.com/albums/vv295/loulou13_2009/?action=view&current=Picture001.jpg http://s693.photobucket.com/albums/vv295/loulou13_2009/?action=view&current=Picture002.jpg...
  15. K

    heat or cold for left wrist pain?

    I have been having some problems with my left wrist. It is a localized pain on the top of my wrist, dead center. Its kind of were my wrist meets my hand. It hurts to move my hand. Its like a pulling feeling. I dnt have insurance so I have been having it wrapped up in an Ace Bandage. Not...
  16. G

    What do you use n how do you slit your wrist?

    I want to know how to cut and what you can use n I do not need you saying that I shouldn't be doing it n giving me a big lecture I just wanna know what you can use n how you do it
  17. T

    Wrist pain (had carpal tunnel surgery)?

    I had carpal tunnel surgery almost a year ago this april. Since the sugery its been still painful at times but i just thought it was healing pains. It seems to be getting worse. I have still numbness in between the middle and the right finger. Also stiffness in the fingers and wrist. Washing my...
  18. F

    How do you get 90º degree angles on your wrist?

    I hear that push up works, but it takes time. Is this true? If not, how do you get it?
  19. D

    What is the most common type of wrist watch?

    I am considering purchasing a nice wrist watch, ranging from 150$ to 250$. However i have been looking around i really do not know which type of watch to get... for example should i get a kinetic or automatic chronograph? please help! thank you! (looking for brands like Seiko, Fossil, etc...
  20. T

    Wrist injury - how much for a doctor bill?

    Female in her early 20's. I have a longtime wrist injury that I have been managing for a while now. I got a new job which involves manual labor and in the four days I've worked there I can now barely even use my left hand (can just barely button my pants, with a lot of pain). I don't have...