
  1. S

    i hurt my wrist bad i need help?

    i'm in cheerleading and and one of my competitions i was warming up my back hand springs and i hurt my wrist really bad. i couldn't move my fingers very well and could hardly flex my arm. it felt like a shouting pain. it stops hurting then when i do my back hand springs again it starts hurting...
  2. C

    Heavy wrist pain from lifting?

    Today while I was doing reverse curls, thought I was tough and put a lot more weight on there than I should have. I did about 3 reverse curls (with an EZ bar) and on the 4th one my wrist cracked and it hurt...I mean really hurt. It was simply too much weight. It's been a few hours and my...
  3. S

    wierd feelin in my wrist?!?

    wed. i had baton. towards the end, i got a wierd feelin in my wrist. its like a warm sensation every now and then. it doesnt stay i just feel it every few min. and only feel it for a min and then it goes away. 2day is saturday and i still feel it. im pretty sure i didnt hit it or nething. wat...
  4. M

    Where can you buy the Power Rangers Wrist Communicator Ringtone for Virgin Mobile?

    I'm asking for Buy because I know that you can't get it for free and the Virgin Mobile Site doesn't have the ringtone.
  5. R

    i hit my wrist off the rim at basketball and i cant move my thumb with

    out being in pain? it hurts to grab things like basketballs
  6. F

    I broke my wrist and now am going to face missing the try-outs for the basketball

    team help? I broke my wrist in three places a couple of days ago and managed to re-break it by slipping over today. I am an avid basketball player and am going to miss try-outs since training starts next week and i am still going to be in my cast. The doctor said the severity of the breaks...
  7. K

    What are the point of the hard cotton wrist bands UFC fighters wear?

    Just wondering.
  8. D

    i was biking and my right wrist made a pop noise and it hurts but isnt swollen?

    it popped but didnt swell up and when i twist it to the left i gets stiff doesnt want to go
  9. T

    wouldnt a cell phone wrist watch turn a ipod touch into a iphone?

    playing with ipod touch while talking to people at the same =iphone? since the phone is in my wrist watch i could play with the ipod touch when im talking to people.
  10. M

    What causes pain and reduced extension of the wrist?

    There is no swelling, redness or trauma. Pain occurs when lifting things up, or holding things in a certain way. The pain is remitting and relapsing. Extension is considerably reduced compared to the other wrist. The sufferer has a desk-based job.