1989 Ford Bronco Front end riding low, camber is bad, wheels tilted/slanted?


May 16, 2008
A buddy of mine has a 1989 Ford Bronco full size, 5.8 windsor. It's been used as a snow plow truck for a very long time. A few months ago, he noticed it riding a bit low in the front. Then, while plowing a parking lot, one of the coil springs cracked in half. After having the springs replaced and driving it for a few weeks, we eventually noticed that the car began riding even lower than before, about 4-5 inches lower than the back wheels (without the plow on it). I have also the noticed that the camber is bad, meaning the wheels are slanted outward at the bottom, inward at the top. This may be just a symptom of the body riding low. However, one person suggested ball joints, so those were replaced, upper and lower on both sides. The wheels looked straighter for a while, however the front end was still riding low. Now, a few days after the ball joints, the tires are starting to slant again, not as bad as before fixing the ball joints, but still pretty noticable (about 15-20 degrees). Also, the front end of the car continues to ride really low. What does anyone think? Did they put the wrong coil springs on? Control arm? Bushing? Shocks? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
Here's the best answer possible. It's a 1989. That means, buy a new f-----g pick-up truck and put the plow on that. =)