Adults should really learn to mind their own business sometimes and don't


New member
Nov 18, 2011
gossip about other people's kids? I went to my friend's family party yesterday...and a lot of adults there were shaking their head at me.
I was wondering why they were doing so? My mom said it's because the way I was dressed but I think they were just a little old fashioned. I am 12 and was wearing black leather leggings, christian louboutin nude 3 inch pumps, a black plain fitted long t shirt with a big slouchy leopard scarf, a beige cardigan on top and carrying a small clutch black chanel bag over my shoulder. I did have mascara and a little bit foundation +pressed powder (bronzer on cheekbones), filled in my eyebrows to make them fuller and have an arch shape, ligloss that pumps the lips a little, short dark purple nails, and had a loose high messy bun hairdo...the women there were giving me weird stares and shaking their heads. I told my mom and she said that they were shaking their heads because i pile on make-up and wear woman's shoes and bags (I stole the bag from my mom---she was pissed :p ). But I think at 12, I can wear what I want. I was covered and not showing any bare skin. Does anyone else not see a big deal in it? or would u react the same? i think they were being just jealous personally.

oh ...and I am skinny and have thin long legs so the leather leggings looked really good don't worry lol

and i natually look older than 12 here are some pics to show u think i look 12?
I can't see the pics but I think you are dressing way too old for your age.That's what it sounds like at least.
You are a little girl and so you should dress like one.
I looked 16 when i was 10...a lot of people thought so.
My mother never let me dress up like a woman or buy me
clothes that wasn't age appropriate.
The way you describe your clothes is similar
to what i can imagine on a 21 year old WOMAN
going out on the town.
leggings are NOT pants they're more like tights
so yes to an adult that is an expert at covering their behinds
with a long fashionable and age appropriate tunics
dresses and LONG tees.
You're 12. That's... really young. You're a child, no matter what you think.

Yeah, they're not wrong.
your dressing in a provocative way and then complaining when people notice, if you want to look like a grown up you need to at least act like one too.
Sounds pretty trashy to me. And like you're a Kardashian wanna be. My main question is why the hell a kid needs designer clothes.
You have posted this several times in various areas and it makes me wonder what you are hoping to hear. Also, having a child who belongs to two writers groups, has had her writing recognized at competitions, and writes for her school newspaper, I find your writing a little well developed. (If you are twelve, take this as a compliment. If you are faking it, try checking out writing patterns of the age group whose voice you are using.)

If you want to dress in that manner and feel you are grown up enough to choose and display those clothes, you need to be prepared for people to talk about you. I'm not talking about adults only -- I have a feeling that people in your age group will also be talking about you.
You are beautiful, and obviously are aware of that, also you are very mature for your age in your writing and vocabulary. But does your maturity stretch to being aware that grown men will be interested in you if if you dress this way, and to keep yourself safe? If you know what you're doing then I respect you and your wishes to dress that way, but you shouldn't be surprised at adults reactions to your image, they are worried about you.