Alcohol and the Martial Arts

No, I think carling got the patent for that one. Or possibly they got the patent for the piss of the prince of darkness. Or maybe the prince of darkness owns both carling and the patent. I can't honestly remember which.
I am so glad that there are more drunken martial artists out there. It makes me feel all nice and warm inside!! I think we have established that university clubs promote the 'train hard drink hard' philosophy, so that is in keeping with the usual university ethos!!
I have never been the drunken boxer, but I have tried to jumping kicks and high kicks to strreet signs, usually ending in my friends picking me up off the floor, resulting in the usual morning-after-bruising!
Drink perhaps the equivalent of four drinks on Friday night, mixed types of booze. This is comparative moderation since I have a tough Judo class on Saturday. I generally get smashed on Sat. night as the Y where I do my Sunday weight workout doesn't open until noon anyway. No drinks at all during the rest of the week. Gave up illegal drugs long ago.
Our school generally has a bit of a social and a few bevvies after a grading .... thank the Good Lord, there aren't more cameras about then!

As for an after training session, since I generally have to bring my kids home after we train (my daughter is in the adult class now O.M.G.!!) I tnd maybe to have a cold 1664 or the like from the fridge, or a bottle of real ale of whatever description grabs my fancy at the time, or maybe a glass or two of red wine (or white) or possibly a dram or two. But not after every training session, honest!
It works out the same in the end, since none of us have any money. If you are genuinely devoid of any kind of money, we take it in turns to buy alchohol for you. There, but for the mercy of the incompetent, lazy and stupid student loans people go we.
If you trained while drunk regular enough, would your fighting skills while drunk improve over time? Maybe tipsy rather than completely wasted...

I can only play pool decent when drunk now. Having only ever played it drunk I can't hit a ball when I'm sober but I can clear the table after a few pints!!
Thanks to the number of uni students at my club, I like to think we're doing our bit to make real ale drinking "hip with the young folks".

They always arrive as lager drinkers, but by the time they move on, they're drinking ale like real men (and women).
That's a good beer. But when I want to drink wheat beer, I usually go for the weissbeer stuff that comes in blue cans in liddel's. It's basically just a cheap german wheat beer, but it's really good. Because they don't allow you to make crap beer in germany- there's actually a law against it. It's called the 'german purity laws'. It sounds incredibly dodgy, I admit, but all it means is that even the cheap beer over there is far superior to the stuff we can get here. Whoever says the germans are barbarians is talking out of his *cough* hat. It's us who are the barbarians for putting beer on creamflow, serving extra cold guiness, making weak aenemic squitter and not looking after the pumps.
Having said that, I once found a pub in the mendyps where they didn't bother with any of that rubbish. No low-pressure CO2 delivery in that pub- they had barrels stacked up behind the bar. And they had some good ones. Old rosie, god's own cider, for instance.

Hey, I'm only 22, and I'm not just part of the converted, I have in fact actually joined the choir
Hate to break it to you knight, but at 22, you are no longer part of the 'hip young folk'. Trust me, I work with the 'young folk' and when they aren't infecting me with colds, they continuously remind me that I am, in fact, ancient, despite my insistence that 28 is still young.......