Am I the only one who is sick and tired of some irrelevant 2% minority


New member
Jul 9, 2011
whining all of the time? I think we have much more important issues to worry about right now
A) Who is this 2% you're talking about?

B) What are they "whining" about?

C) How do you define an "important issue"?

The U.S. should end its occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, end the War on Drugs (decriminalize hard drugs in small amounts and legalize marijuana like alcohol and cigarettes are ), repeal the Obamacare mandate, end subsidies for big oil and big ag, and repeal the Patriot Act.
No matter what the percentage maybe, the constitution affords everyone the same rights. Should we dismiss the wants and needs of people just because they may be few in number? And who decides what the cut-off point should be?
Irrelevant? If it were your life I doubt you would feel that way. And this post sounds so much like whining I can hardly imagine you don't see your own hypocrisy.