An interesting topic in Frankenstein?


May 21, 2008
thematic topics like science, nature, beauty, good vs. evil, relationship of parent and child, etc.
I can't think on a section of the book that has one of these topics.
Did you read the book?

Science: reanimating life?
Nature: many things, should we begin with the concept of "cheating death"?
Beauty: first there is the concept of love - regardless of appearance.
Good vs. Evil: By the end, the "monster" wasn't evil at all. The true evil lied with his creator. Plus, the "monster" wanted to be good, but he felt he was not allowed to be so.
Parent & child: the obvious, father/son, creator/creation.

Consider this:

Frankenstein in 100 words or less:

A man believes he can reanimate life. He discovers a way to do this and does. His creation did not turn out the way he planned and turned his back on him. The creation merely wanted love and acceptance. Being unable to get it, from anyone - especially the man he viewed as his father - he resorted to a decidedly violent recourse. By the end he confronts his "father," professing his love for him, kills him, then exiles himself from any and all people.