Anime North Female Cosplay?


New member
Apr 29, 2008
Hey I was thinking of going to anime north 2011 and i really want to cosplay. Problem is i don't know what i should cosplay as.

I'm 15, 5' 5", and i have tan-skinned (Brown), I'm not super skinny but i'm not fat either.
I have black wavy hair, but i'd like to wear a wig. I don't mind crossplaying either. I'm slightly built and have broad shoulders so i might be able to pass for a guy if i put on the right make up and so on.

Do you guys have any suggestions for me?

P.S. I'm new to cosplaying but anime and manga are most definitely not new to me.

P.P.S or P.S.S (Not quite sure o.o) Please tell me the person and the name of the anime and if possible i would like a picture of the person as well.

Thanks a Bunch :)