Anthony Kiedis incident. Your take?

What makes you think he knew who the guy was?

He was not on the street. He was on private property at the hotel door. Limos, cops, guys in suit. I'm not a big star used to being around security, but the scene screams security perimeter.
I think it is important to know what the security said as a lot of the assumptions seem to be based on this.

Therefore, since it is a slow work day I have the taken the time to play the video over and over, forwards and backwards, enlarged and in the mirror, using my exemplary lip reading skills. I have come to the conclusion the security starts with.
'Sorry, There is an elevator in my pocket'
followed up by
'No you can't put peanut butter on my penguin'

On that evidence, Kiedis is in the right.

So many assumptions over what in the end appears to be a simple misunderstanding.
I think you may have gotten things slightly wrong Striped.

It was more like this:
Security - ahhh Anthony, you guys have been going steadily downhill ever since Mothers Milk, how about changing your schtick, even just a little bit.
Anthony - What the .... There are people out here man! Don't tell EVERYONE!


And for the folks saying that The Stones would have known he was there etc..

Not necessarily, and even if they did, it wouldn't necessarily make a difference. Having played at a bunch of big festivals I can happily report that while most of the famous players that I have met are super nice folks, there are also more than a few that fulfil your wildest expectations of diva behaviour, and that can totally extend to stuffing around your fellow musicians. I even have a little private list now of music that I just wont listen to despite that fact that its good, based solely on the behaviour of the people that play it towards others.

That doesn't make sense. If Kiedis isn't recognized, then the guard has no further cause to let him in than anyone else.

If Kiedis is recognized, then he's going to draw precisely the sort of attention|chaos that they were trying to avoid in the first place.

Besides, how do you know the security guard wasn't in the process of making such an assessment? More to the point, let's assume for a moment that the security guard made a mistake. We all do. Does that then validate punching him? Do we all get to start slugging anyone who bars our way? The next time the ticket taker at the cinema fails to recognize that I'm just coming back from the snack bar and have already given him my ticket, do I get to punch him in the gob?

Frankly, I'm a bit surprised that this is even being debated. We're not in a position to say the guard handled it perfectly. But if Kiedis escalated by throwing punches, that's a problem.
Security occasionally locks down an entrance briefly because a giant group of people plus their close-protection team are about to rush out said exit in a bull rush of human and enter their vehicles as quickly as possible. Foot traffic clustering the exit, no matter how entitled you feel they are because you enjoy their music, could still result in a physical collision.

And there is a reason private security often doesn't wear identifying marks. Even without a "pin of authority" or a secret handshake, he was so clearly obvious security for a VIP or the hotel itself; the giant crowd of camera-wielding maniacs the police are holding back, the limo, the suit, and the body language were the subtle clues.

Yeah, I'd be irritated if I just returned to my hotel after a brief stroll too, and probably would try to navigate around the guard. I would not, however, shove or punch him in any way. That is assault. Whether or not you "feel" it's assault is entirely irrelevant to the outcome of that situation. Luckily, everyone appears to walk away with only their egos bruised there. If Anthony's behavior resulted in injury though, he could have been charged with assault (less likely because of his social status) or sued (fairly likely) all because he acted like an insolent child.

This. Shove or punch, it's a pointless escalation of force and assault. It is a fascinating case study into the mentality you see causing a ruckus and ending up tazered (or worse) at check points though.
This happened in the States in the state I work in, hence we were addressing it through the laws of this state. Security from other countries can wear fuzzy pink hats if they wish.
I still think that though Kiedis is werll and trully in the wrong for the way he reacted, the security guy could have handled it better. As for Fuzzy pink hats anything that clearly identifies you as an authority figure to the general public is fine, I am not sure a fuzzy pink hat would do the trick. Shame as a lot of security guys would realy suit one as long as the shade was not too bright.
I've seen it. A rather large sewage backwash. You don't really want to know about it. The term 'poo explosion' comes to mind.

If you want to live your life like a selfish so-and-so that's your problem, but please don't make it anyone else's problem too.
"I've seen it. A rather large sewage backwash. You don't really want to know about it. The term 'poo explosion' comes to mind.

Ahhh, you have triplets as well!


paul - of the daily 'poo explosion"
I'm not sure how you can live selfishly and also not make it other peoples problem by definition?
I watched the video and read most of the comments. I have to fall on the side of security here.

Anyone walking up had to know something was going on. There was a crowd across the street (judging from the sounds of the many spectators), uniformed police on hand, and guys in suits blocking the entrance. When Anthony walks up, he is confronted by a smile and a blocking motion. It seems like he is being asked nicely to hold up. His reaction escalates it very quickly and the security guy does what he is supposed to - stop him. The police wander over and help sort it.

I've been in situations like that and I get a bit bristly when stopped and I do ask "why". I don't escalate it though, especially not to a physical confrontation, especially not with uniformed police there.

I think Anthony was in the wrong for his escalation (not necessarily in trying to go through, but once stopped, he should have complied, especially with uniformed police right there).
I've always thought Anthony Kiedis was a bit of a idiot following on from when he got Faith No More removed from a load of festivals because there was a bit of tension between Mike Patton and himself. Rockstar ego I guess.
end of the day they where both complete idiots equally, but in my opinion the onky peopel who desevr the power to hold peopel back and be waitred for is the emergency services. Dont matter if its private security protecting a so called star or so called royal family member they are worth no more than anyone else and the idea of people waiting so they have the exit to themselves is a joke.
Hi All,

Got to say that I'd stop for police but be less inclined to stop for private security - unless it was a very clear-cut situation. Anyone (read that as any loon) can say "You can't come in here" ... Not saying anyone was right or wrong, but I can see how it can go 'pear shaped'...
So I can walk into your house and when you ask me to stop, I can just ignore you and flop down on the couch and order a pizza?
If the hotel management decides that people need to be held back for little while, then it is perfectly within their power to do so, seeing as it is private property and you have to abide by their rules while you are on said property.
There are two kinds of parallel discussions in this thread:

1- Whether or not Kiedis acted correctly when escalating the fight.

2- Whether or not it is adequate to block a hotel entrance because of the Rolling Stones leaving.

I think this discussion would progress better if those participating in one conversation didn't answer the other. We're going in circles, someone says Anthony acted like a douche, and someone else answers it's ridiculous that he should be kept out of the hotel for something so banal.

These are different things, and I can get behind both to some extent.

In my opinion Anthony acted like an idiot, AND the hotel personnel could have done a better job.