Spread the hate - sign the petetion

Help spread the hate. Amazon Group got front page headlines on EW last week for our Don't burn It Return It campaign. It has been mentioned in many reviews and even Steph herself has commented. Now join our petition. To be sent to Little Brown and her agent.

Legitimate Concerns About Breaking Dawn Petition

Wikipedia is monitoring it. We are over 800 signatures. Spread the hate. Return the book and sign. Tell SM what you really think!
i completely agree.
"mary sue" is the exact word i used to try and express my hate of the character to a friend of mine.
and, as funny as it is, the friend IS 14 and IS the type that would like this story, to a tee.
its depressing actually.
i think i hated it even more when the movie casted james -cedric diggory- pattinson as edward, only because i dont find him attractive, and i was hoping somebody more.. oh i dont know, model-esque? (i.e. gaspard ulliel...just a personal favourite) to be him...
anyway, these are the by no means professional ramblings of a 15 year old, who has read a few classics, but not near enough to say she knows what the hell shes tlaking about.
I agree with all of you!
Its great to find at least some other fellow Twilight haters, I swear, it seems like the whole world is in love with the Twilight saga.... The books are complete rubbish about two Mary Sues who have no actual chemistry between each other. One thing that seriously annoys me is that Edward Cullen, for all intents and purposes, doesn't have any really vampiric attributes, other than the ability to read minds and golden eyes. Seriously, Meyer is making a vampire's life sound like the perfect life, and everyone should love them. And then there's also the fact that for the 109 years that Edward was a vampire, he wasn't even SLIGHTLY attracted to any other women, and then suddenly, when Bella Swan comes around, he absolutely loves her, without actually wanting to kiss her or have sex with her, or even show her he loves her, though in the latest book (I think that Meyer payed a fanfiction writer to write it, and I don't think I'm alone in this opinion), they finally do, after much begging on Bella's part.
Then, throughout the entire series he rants all.the.time about the problems they're going to have (i.e. he's a vampire, she's a human, he's not good enough for her, she has a family, she should get a life, etc.) and then promptly takes it into his own hands to "fix" that problem. He's an abusive boyfriend, as Aldorel over at Gaia online so aptly put it in this article: Edward Cullen - Abusive Boyfriend (Eclipse SPOILERS) | Gaia Online
I recommend that everyone take a look at this:
Head Trip
Kinda sums up the book, :)
I Have Mixed Feelings On The Series...
I Have Always Enjoyed A Good Vampire Book.
I Find Them Extremely Attractive. But This Series Is Very
Different Then The Other Ones I Read. Honestly
I Think Bella Is Too Plain Even In The First Book
When She Was First Introduce She Just Seemed Like
Another Charter The Author Never Really Went Into Her Personality
(Except That She Was A Wall Flower)
Or Gave Her Any Kind Of Spunk. I Mean Honestly
This Girl Runs With Werewolves & Vampires
& She So "Oh Woe Is Me..." Kind Of Girl Which I Cant Stand...
& Then Shes Basically A "Danger Magnet"
& All She Seems To Do Is Find Ways To Nearly
Get Herself Killed & Of Course Edward Saves Her...
& After She Meet Edward Her WHOLE LIFE
Was About Him I Mean I Know How It Is When You
Fall In Love Someone But C'mon Its Like
There Wasn't Bella It Was EdwardBella
In My Opinion The Author Just Made A Half Witted Girl
To Fall In Love With A Vampire That Was The Gist Of
The Series...But For Some Odd Reason I Still
Think Its A Decent Book.
If you want to contact me, I'm [email protected]

Anyway, I don't really understand why people get so bent about this book's crazy popularity. Believe me, I know how bad a book it is. I've read it. It's pure, unedited crack. Wish fulfilment from a woman who is a bit too old and a bit too married to be dreaming about undead, underage boytoys. But then, there you go. It's crack. It's not tring to be Kite Runner or The Count of Monte Cristo. It's job was to provide amusement for a mass of screaming hormonal teenage girls and older woman who wish they'd held out for their own prince charming.

That doesn't by any means indicate that this book is better than Shakespeare, it just means that it did its job extremely well. I've also read the Kite Runner and various other "classical fiction", mostly because of my advanced classes, but also for my own enjoyment. They have depth, but in case you hadn't noticed a lot of them are just as contrived and poorly characterized.

Ever read a tale of two cities? Main chick was a saint almost literally. And the most beautiful thing ever. Uncle Tom's Cabin? NOBODY is that godly pure and angelic. But these books were amazing because they wrote about idealistic whatevers. Liberty, equality, and hot chicks.

Stephanie Meyer, or however you spell her name, is not a great writer. She will not go down in the history books next to Dickens or that chick who wrote The Lovely Bones. Her limelight will last until her hormonal fans outgrow their hormones and then her books will go back to the dusty cupboard with all those other hoards of trashy vampire romance novels. Who cares if she's popular now? Why is it sich an insult to the "intellectual" that these books have fans?

If anything, we should be grateful that at least a few prom queens have learned how to read now.

I too want to react (though I doubt anyone is going to read this) (NB: If I write any mistakes, it's because English isn't my native language, not because I am some overreacting 12-year-old who hates everyone that doesn't like what she likes)

I'd really love to have a proper discussion about the things all these people have said (some things true, some not at all), but, as nobody of them is going to read this, I'll just say this:

It's not right to hate a book because there are too many other people who like it too much and express their opinions in a rather compulsive way

It's not right to hate a book because there are other books out there that are better... I've read some classics too (I'm only beginning, but I do read them untranslated), but you can't make people read books they don't want to read, and you can't stop them from reading the ones they do read.

Have you ever thought about all the fans who are NOT obsessive 13-year-olds? Do you truly believe that the book would have as many adult fans (and even male, non-gay fans) if there was nothing more than a Mary Sue and a really hot guy who loves her? I know there's more, and I would love to hold a lecture, but I'll stop my already too long post here.

Thanks for reading! (I really hope SOMEONE will read this... How sad to talk to myself)

can i discuss it with you? it's not true that no one will read your post. I'm really interested in your point of view.
wanna chat sometime?
cHiLl oUt DuDe

okay, listen. that book is amazing. if you're anyone who's anyone, you would like the book. Now obviousley, you're some dirt poor loser who don't know what they're gettin' into. So go try to earn more money workin' at wal-mart, so you can buy yourself some decent wal-mart clothes. I would say see you there, but im not dirt poor. I'm filthy rich, so wal-mart is not an option for anyone in my class.
I totally agree with you on this. I started to hear about Twilight, I never really cared to try and read it being I'm not in to books like that (as in, love stories) but then my friends started talking about how amazing the book is, and how amazing and perfect Edward Cullen is. So I used all the power in me to go and buy the book. I started to read it and was like "Hm...a bit boring. But I'm sure it will pick up." 260 pages later it still is boring as all holy hell. I'm trying hard to keep reading. Being people keep saying "You can't hate it until you read all of it!" I'll try and read all of it but should NOT take 260 pages to get good. Sad thing is I'm sure it won't get any better, the book seems to be 500 pages of "Edwards hot!" and "She smalls good" Oh yeah that's how every relationship should be. So my point is there are 5 things about Twilight I hate
1: The message it sends. The message to me is "Who cares about love if your boyfriend is hot" also Bella can't take care of herself, Edward always has to save the day.
2: Edward being "perfect" him being "perfect" makes him seem very very fake. No one is perfect!
3: Bella having everyone fall all over her, her first day in Forks and all the guys love her. Yet she tells them all to stay out of her life pretty much (Yeah Bella your so nice, I can see why Edward fell for you)
4: The fact that this story is 500 pages of the same thing. I mean really. Nothing happens but "blah blah love him blah blah he's hot blah blah she smalls good blah blah stay away from me blah blah I love you your so hot so I'll never leave" ect.
5: The fact that Bella and Edward just fall in love. No reason why they fell in love, just da da da da! Love! oh wait it's not love, really it's just lust. But it's not love.

Oh yeah and the fact that there are really good books out there that send a GOOD message that kids aren't reading because guess what? No vampires! to bad! For one thing SM took vampires and made them almost something new, but in a bad way. If I didn't know what vampires where, and read Twilight, I think I would hate vampires.
Oh yeah and it really scares me when girls say "I look up to Bella!" or "I want my Edward Cullen!" or "My kids love Twilight...and so do I!" that scares the crap out of me that moms love Twilight.

Sorry I guess I'm ranting...but I ABSOLUTLEY HATE TWILIGHT!!!!!!!
okay, listen. that book is amazing. if you're anyone who's anyone, you would like the book. Now obviousley, you're some dirt poor loser who don't know what they're gettin' into. So go try to earn more money workin' at wal-mart, so you can buy yourself some decent wal-mart clothes. I would say see you there, but im not dirt poor. I'm filthy rich, so wal-mart is not an option for anyone in my class.

0_o That's mean, i liked the book but i still like to read any comments about everything. No use of being that way, you won't get anything from that.
I agree with some of their comments and everyone have their reasons to like or hate the book. Those 'hate comments' don't make me hate the book, i like it and that's all. I have my reasons and everyone theirs. Where did money enter into all of this?
Again, everyone has their own reasons for everything and everyone has to respect them.

I'm glad i've found some fellow twilight dislikers lol. it's sad how so many girls around me love twilight to death. i don't think stephenie meyers is terrible or anything. the twilight series just gets on my nerves. i'm no pro at literature, but twilight's so shallow and superficial. so she likes him because he's hot and "perfect" (btw, edward is NOT my version of perfect. he's too much of a cheeseball) and he likes her because... why? she's cool because he can't read her mind? he likes being her hero and everything? and this kind of love is supposed to bind them together for all of eternity?
i was really excited to read the book because i thought a romance between the human and the supernatural would be awesome to read, but now thinking of Edward and Bella just makes me want to bang my head against something.
i've read New Moon too, and it's worse. edward is like a vain teenage boy desperately in love with a pitiful creature, thought he should have much more wisdom considering he's been around for decades.
Bella is just weak and useless. it's so frustrating. the storyline gets so predictable, but you have to read for like another 20 pages of bella being slow and dumb before you find out that your prediction was right. also, she's got some major mental and health problems. she can't do anything right. if people in the real world were like bella and edward, nothing would ever get done.
ok then,

whoever you are, the book series might seem stupid to you because youre probably a guy too caught up in trying to be masculine that you ignore everything with an emotional side.
if you hate the book, why would you even take the time to get on the internet and post your opinion on it which everyone will ignore? no one cares that you hate it! you just think that youre a genius and your opinion is law. youre probably a loser in real life that no one will listen to and youre trying to sound smart by degrading a fantastic work of literature. if so many people like it, can it really be that bad?
and by the way, the books are based off of classics: jane austen's novels, and a midsummer nights dream, and romeo and juliet. i have read all of them, and so whats this talk about 15 year old girls losing their minds to this? i think these books are good for young girls! they give the girls high standards so they dont end up with some dirtbag!
im not saying you have to like it, just dont ruin it for the rest of us by slamming the book.
whoever you are, the book series might seem stupid to you because youre probably a guy too caught up in trying to be masculine that you ignore everything with an emotional side.
if you hate the book, why would you even take the time to get on the internet and post your opinion on it which everyone will ignore? no one cares that you hate it! you just think that youre a genius and your opinion is law. youre probably a loser in real life that no one will listen to and youre trying to sound smart by degrading a fantastic work of literature. if so many people like it, can it really be that bad?
and by the way, the books are based off of classics: jane austen's novels, and a midsummer nights dream, and romeo and juliet. i have read all of them, and so whats this talk about 15 year old girls losing their minds to this? i think these books are good for young girls! they give the girls high standards so they dont end up with some dirtbag!
im not saying you have to like it, just dont ruin it for the rest of us by slamming the book.

If you have the right to voice your opinion on how much you luurrrrve it, we have the right to voice our opinions on the annoyances we find in these books.

Your arguments generalize those who dislike Twilight; you can't judge a person by what books they like and don't like.

Incidentally, some fifteen-year-old girls are losing their minds to this book. It's called Fangirlism.

And high standards...? Maybe in their dreams.

Personally, Twilight is ... rather ... shallow. I see it as a light read when you've got nothing better to do and intend on dreaming about a wonderful world. What irks me the most, however, is the way Stephenie Meyer portrays her characters; the things she writes about them, and the things the character say/feel do not seem to translate well into the characters' actions. If Bella is so smart, sassy, and independent, why don't we see some of this wit in her rescuing herself? Why doesn't she see through obvious plans and plots that even the reader has foresight on? It might be a common plot device (the reader is omniscient), but the way Smeyer makes her heroine delusionally frail does not represent dramatic irony for me.

But that's just my opinion. Who cares if a 2-dimensional braindead Twilight-hater like me "take the time to get on the internet and post [my] opinion on it which everyone will ignore? no one cares that hate it! just think that [im] a genius and [my] opinion is law."

Thank you, rabid fangirls. You help us haters gain ground even as you spout hate and personal insults.
whoever you are, the book series might seem stupid to you because youre probably a guy too caught up in trying to be masculine that you ignore everything with an emotional side.
if you hate the book, why would you even take the time to get on the internet and post your opinion on it which everyone will ignore? no one cares that you hate it! you just think that youre a genius and your opinion is law. youre probably a loser in real life that no one will listen to and youre trying to sound smart by degrading a fantastic work of literature. if so many people like it, can it really be that bad?
and by the way, the books are based off of classics: jane austen's novels, and a midsummer nights dream, and romeo and juliet. i have read all of them, and so whats this talk about 15 year old girls losing their minds to this? i think these books are good for young girls! they give the girls high standards so they dont end up with some dirtbag!
im not saying you have to like it, just dont ruin it for the rest of us by slamming the book.

Hummm.... sorry but WTF???
I love the book, but i still don't think that's a fantastic work of literature. I love it because it is right the opposite, it's mostly for entertaining.
okay, listen. that book is amazing. if you're anyone who's anyone, you would like the book. Now obviousley, you're some dirt poor loser who don't know what they're gettin' into. So go try to earn more money workin' at wal-mart, so you can buy yourself some decent wal-mart clothes. I would say see you there, but im not dirt poor. I'm filthy rich, so wal-mart is not an option for anyone in my class.

That is an awful thing to say, but then again what else would you expect from a person who labeled themself "Someone who matters"? Go take your high pedestal to people who actually give a shit, k?

Personally, I'm indifferent. You guys have pretty good opinions about the characters being shallow and Mary-Sue's, and I totally agree on that. But it's a work of fiction, it's there for entertainment purposes. Entertainment, nothing more (because, honestly, there really aren't any moral messages in the books besides save sex for marriage). And I agree on most of you who actually read the books and recognize they aren't works of art. But, I don't know...the books do have their interesting moments.

I've noticed a pattern of people hating the books simply because it's popular and carries a large teenage girl (and the occasional gentlemen) fanbase. If girls want to throw Twilight parties and gush over how hot Edward Cullen and Jacob Black is then don't criticize them for it. It's what they enjoy doing and people putting them down for it is ridiculous. I'm not saying that all the haters out there aren't allowed to give their opinions to the world. Just hate the books, cut the totally obsessed fans a break. Oh, and to the obsessed fans who are trying to defend themselves on this thread with pointless threats it's only adding fuel to the fire.
Sigh :(

It sucks that people are starting to realize what a dumb book it is now *sigh* even if you think it's bad the books are as BIG as Harry Potter so I bet that StephM dosen't even give if you hate it know the fandom is too big and she making a whole bunch of green.
I find it interesting that everyone has said that Edward seems like an abusive spouse, yet somebody actually found Jacob to be a better option...considering Jacob tried (and succeeded in) emotionally blackmailing Bella in Eclipse. I personally love these books, although it is concerning and scary when you see people who pretend Edward isn't fictional...that's taking it to the extreme. The thing that I find the most amusing about the original post is that the poster's main problem with Twilight is that it's all about a girl wanting a guy and then she says we should read classic literature like Pride and Prejudice...have you even read that? It is ALL about women trying to snag men, not just that, but men with money preferably. At least Bella's attraction to Edward isn't because he's rich. I will admit that their relationship is unlikely but literature is full of relationships like theirs from Jane Austen to the Grimm Brothers, ones full of love at first site based on nothing but their love for each other.

I can't make you like this book, you can't make me like it. Personally I prefer Stephenie Meyer's "vegetarian" vampires to Anne Rice's ambiguously bisexual vampires but it really comes down to personal preference. To each their own. :)

did you happen to check the year pride and prejudice was published? getting married to a rich man was important to society ,and jane lived in that time period. it was way before women rights and laws women couldn't such as work or vote were broken. read your history book. jane however made elizabeth bennett a strong women who could take it or leave it when came to getting married to man. she didn't need her "edward" to make herslef happy.
I don't know who else has heard of it but I swear everywhere single place I go, I keep hearing about this book called "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyers and it is driving me insane!!! I have actually read it and it was terrible. It's directed towards 15 year old girls whose only concern is meeting the perfect guy who will rescue her and basically take care of her and blah, blah, blah ( I’m 14 read the Twilight didn’t bother with the rest of the series), a Prince Charming if you will. It's complete rubbish! The guy is a vampire (yes you heard me) and literally saves the girl like 5 times throughout the book. That is basically the point out of it. I seriously laughed out loud while reading it because it was so predictable and pointless. (Yes I read it. I do not believe in criticizing or praising a book without reading it first) It's 450 pages of a girl somehow getting in trouble and then what's his face comes in the nick of time. And this was an assignment for Honors English, so yes in some sort of way; I was forced to read it.
I have been to countless boards, stores, internet sites where I hear these young women praise this book as "The best book they have ever read." Isn't that tragic? That's the problem with today's society. Young women should be reading classics, empowering stories or at least something they can get something out of. All this book does is reinforce the notion that women need to be rescued and that there really is a Prince Charming waiting to be found and that once a girl finds him everything will be happily ever after from then on or if not that she’ll have a godlike amazingly handsome, immortal vampire dude that is willing to kill the world for you. I was at school the other day and actually saw two of my classmates including my TEACHER crying, yes crying about how Edward saved Bella at the end of the book and how much he really loves her and how cute it is, I of course in a daze, nearly fell off of my chair at how pathetic they sounded HE’S A FREAKIN BLOODY FICTIONOUS CHARACTER, PEOPLE GET A LIFE. I believe in love and I hope every girl who wants to find some amazing guy does but this book is complete nonsense and to hear a 46 year old English teacher dish about how much they love a "Vampire" just really depresses me.
Love isn't magic. There is no such thing as a fairytale and as much as I love the Little Mermaid to believe that's how it turns out with every girl would be a discredit to my intelligence! I would love to see people praise a classic like The Count of Monte Cristo or Pride and Prejudice, The Kite Runner, and A Thousand Splendid Suns. To enjoy a book of fiction or get lost in it is fine but to have faith in it to believe it's what you want for yourself (like marrying a freaking vampire!!! yes, I heard my teacher say she wants to marry this guy!!!) is just mind boggling. Perhaps I am just venting but why oh why is this book getting so much praise?!?!?!

good for you, you actually read the whole thing! you have more patience than me. i read like, the epilogue and first chapter of Twilight and I was like, "screw this, imma go read harry potter again!"
meyer RAPES thesauruses and uses every adjective in the books.

hahha. its so pointless. and bella's just like, a whiney little brat. and edward, he SPARKLES!?!? i mean really. and the dialouge is pitifully cheesey. meyer is trying super hard to make it a deep, passionate book. but all shes doing is making it harder to read, not making me want to read it more.

and yes, i AM an avid reader thank you.
i read things like harry potter, eragon, watership down, etc.
so yes, i am a good reader. i think i know a good peice of literature when i read one. twilight IS NOT.
YES I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the first one was ok... but then the last one was just horriable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't she do anything else with her life?