OMG!! you guys totally suck Twilight is the most genius, awsome, monumental Book, no THING ever!!!!!!!! And How can anyone not absolutly fall in love with Edward!!

and to all you ppl who think vampires are ''bad'' who ever said they were bad stories well hre is a new story that says otherwise and I love it!!!

I Love Twilight!!!

HOLY CRAPIN CRAP!!! how can you not love Twilight what could POSSIBLY be wrong with it!!! It is perfect in ever way! All of you people are idiots and I am going to provoke the Volturi on you !!! and I love Edward and anyone who dosent MUST be brain dead and somebody has to pull the plug emediatly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't stand Twilight because of the way it normalises dysfunctional relationships between teenagers. Edward is a borderline obsessive, possessive egomaniac but is also slavishly devoted to Bella, who is pathetic with her constant denial of her own needs for the sake of Edward - terrible co-dependent behaviour! Without wanting to criticise Christian values, I don't like the way the book presents marriage at 18 as a viable choice - there's a reason current divorce rates are so high, and it's because people get married before they know who they really are.

Also, I don't believe the book is a great work of literature; the scenery isn't well-depicted - with functional descriptions of the surroundings only - and hardly any poetic/prosaic language. Bella and Edward are also quite "flat", with little development throughout the series (the last book being the exception) and come across as very shallow characters.

All of this would be excusable if the work was original and refreshing - but even the originality of the story can be called into question. If you read the back cover of this book, published in 1996 - Kiss of the Vampire by J.B. Calchman:
Kiss of the Vampire - Blackwell Bookshop Online

The main character in this novel is named Ella, and she falls in love with a young man named Alex Culler, who is believed to be a vampire. Ella, Bella; Culler, Cullen... Now tell me that's not just my imagination that there might be a little more than a coincidence there.

So, a book with a main premise and characters that may not be entirely original at best and plagiarised at worst; dysfunctional characters that normalise abusive teen relationships and thoroughly uninspiring narration. I rest my case.
Most of the fanatic girls that hav posted here are a HUGE reason why I shy away from the series. Having read part of the first book and several reviews, I personally think the series mirrors 90% of the "original" crap on written by 14 yr old girls.

Second, I loathe the lovey-dovey, angsty, perfect image that Myer gave Edward as a vampire. I have news for all you little hormonal preteens: after living for so very long, do you really think someone would fall in "love at first sight"? Probably not. Past heartbreaks would render most people incapable of attaching themselves. Come on guys, Anne Rice did better vampires than this woman..

Bella=mary sue.

Edward= gary-stu.
yes, this sucks

I was forced to read this book. It was supposedly the next Harry Potter. It. Sucks.
Who ever thinks this is good is either under the age of 15 or has never had a real boyfriend.

The one semi exciting part of the book, where I actually thought something cool would happen was when Edward confessed he could not be seen in the sun. I assumed he would become horrible looking, perhaps a little dorian grey? I don't know, just something exciting.

Turns out, his skin shimmers like diamonds.

Plus the main female character Bella can't do anything for herself. Edward has to even carry her down the stairs. She is a waste of fictional life.

This author needs to grow up.
There is so much more then the crazed love of this book. Don't you people get that this romance is so much more praised as a romance then the typical physical relationship because of that. The story may have some flaws but it's a damn romance! What do you expect? Just because you're not romantic doesn't mean the dark love of this story has to get to you. don't like it but why criticize it? Why criticize the people who read it? If you are really known the classical's of Jane Austen(love her!) and Khaled Hosseini, you would understand the basic word: OPINION! Maybe you are not open-minded but there is no reason to criticize the people (I would even say the majority) who read this book...okay?
There is so much more then the crazed love of this book. Don't you people get that this romance is so much more praised as a romance then the typical physical relationship because of that. The story may have some flaws but it's a damn romance! What do you expect? Just because you're not romantic doesn't mean the dark love of this story has to get to you. don't like it but why criticize it? Why criticize the people who read it? If you are really known the classical's of Jane Austen(love her!) and Khaled Hosseini, you would understand the basic word: OPINION! Maybe you are not open-minded but there is no reason to criticize the people (I would even say the majority) who read this book...okay?

"dark love" hahahaha. There is nothing "dark" about Bella and Edwards love. Did you know you contradicted yourself with the whole opinion business? Those who don't like the series are allowed to openly critisize it just as much as you die hard fans gush over Edwards "hawt" body. And back to Edward and Bellas love, I wouldn't even call it love. The first book, maybe. But from New Moon on.. no. Not even close. I mean, really, is Bella and Edwards relationship truly considered love? Not at all.

Honestly girls who are madly in lve with these books, read them again keeping in mind all that you read on this thread. Trust me, you'll realize how horribly written these books are grammar wise and plot wise.
I cracked up at the second post.

I read a little bit of it and honestly,i couldn't get into it.

I think its giving girls a bad image of what boyfriends should be.

And i found it kinda boring :|
I agree completely, and it's so nice to see that there are *some* people out there who seem to at least share my opinion - I haven't been able to meet a single one in real life.

I went into the Twilight series with the highest of hopes - all my friends said it was about the best book they'd ever read, so I went ahead and bought it at Borders when I happened to see it and have an extra $10 on my person.

By a hundred and fifty pages in, I couldn't believe that I'd actually spent money on the piece of crap. The characters are bland, the plot is nonsensical, and the writing itself - for God's sake, *I* could write better than that, and I'm fifteen years old! It's a wish-fulfillment series aimed at women who are still waiting for their Prince Charmings to come along. It's really pathetic the women all over the world gobble it up like cotton candy; every time I find that another of my friends has fallen head over heels for the book, I can't help but lose a little respect for them as people.

Twilight is fail. 'Nuff said. Whose idea at Scholastic was it to let this manuscript even make it past submissions?
Twilight is awful

Twilight is just terrible.

I read the first three books and was just appalled at how trendy, simple, immature, and amateurish the writing was. I cannot believe that these books are getting the praise they're getting. I can understand why girls between the ages of 10 and 13 enjoy them, but teenagers and people in their 20's, unless they have a dire lack of depth and maturity, should not be wasting their times in these unoriginal, spiritless, shallow books.

No character in the books has a personality. They read like they were written by a talentless 12 year old girl. Twilight should be banned for offending people who take authorship and literature seriously.
Plageristic, Unoriginal, Sloppy

Oh my God... I just found a page full of soulmates... with the exception of the tard that loves the series. I can't stand Meyers' writing style. It's incredibly juvenile. I'm an aspiring author and reading her stuff does two things for me. One: it lets me know that if this dumbass can make it, I can. And two: it sickens me that Meyers got a book out before I did with a writing style I can equate to some of the simpletons in my junior high school English class.

On top of all this, I started writing my book almost ten years ago, when I was in the sixth grade. My main character's name is Jacob Black. In case anyone else hasn't read these books, one of the main characters' name is Jacob Black. I actually had a literary agent tell me no one in the publishing community would touch my story because of this. So the bitch effed me out of getting published. How do you think I felt when my girlfriend dragged me to the "Breaking Dawn" release and I had to hear the name "Jacob Black" shouted and chanted all around me, and to know it's not my Jacob Black they were talking about. I was TORN. I almost cried, it was the most terrible experience of my life. To have the name I've wanted to hear chanted and shrieked all my life yelled out right next to me and to know it's not MY Jacob? Yeah, I was devastated.

Then, wouldn't you believe, my girlfriend is OBSESSED with this series? It's put a huge dent in us because she's absolutely in love with it (she hates Jacob though, thank God) and I abhore it. She's always going on about Edward and Bella. HOW MANY TIMES HAS THIS STORY BEEN TOLD? The tragic romance. Oh, except he sucks blood. Gee, I'm so glad to see originality absolutely POURING out of the minds of over-praised, practically plageristic idiots. I have no problem with Vampires, I love them. But my God, I've heard similar stories a thousand times over. Hell, I wrote one in the fourth grade, about a girl who falls in love with a werewolf. The Frog Prince? The Swan Princess? Gee, neither of these bare ANY resemblance to the main storyline in Twilight at all.

And the way the books are aimed at younger girls is completely sickening. If you've read enough into them, the books are really, REALLY sexual. I mean, my girlfriend gets all hot and bothered after reading some of the scenes and comes to me with it! Granted, I'm not complaining there (that's the ONLY good thing to come out of them). But these books' target audience is pre-teen girls! Yes, let's give them just ANOTHER excuse to go out and get pregnant. It may not be saying they should go have sex, but it sure is giving them that stirring in their loins that makes them want to. It's basically fantastic (as in fantasy, not in the critical sense) erotica for young girls.

And finally... I'm a Harry Potter guy. The most obsessed fan in the world (I have three tattoos including J.K. Rowling's signature to prove it... she actually signed my arm, it's a tattoo now). So, Twilight is direct competition to MY literary god. Stephanie Meyers has been called the "new" J.K. Rowling. Bullcrap. If it hadn't been for Harry Potter, a book like Twilight would never have been able to be succesful. And Meyers' story is unoriginal compared to Potter. It's a rehashing of a hundred stories told through time. You can see right down through the transparent exterior to the other tales woven as its skeleton. Bella Swan and Edward Cullen couldn't even walk on the same literary ground as Harry Potter. She's Betty Sue/Sleeping Beauty/ditzy heroin and he's the macho stereotype/anguished hero/pretty boy all rolled into one. No original character development at all. Oh gee, Bella's sarcastic. WEEEE! That's completely groundbreaking.

In all, Twilight should be burned for its plagerism, unoriginality, and erotic subtext aimed at young girls. I hate it. It needs to be condemned and people need to stop praising Meyers' for A HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL WRITING STYLE! God, if this country and our culture praised stupidity any more, we'd all be mentally retarded.
I love twilight its a very interesting book i read it in two days and i absolutely love it and i incredibly and hopelessly love edward but i respect others if they dnt like it , its there opinion and theyre entitled to theyre opinion. so just stop biting each others heads of, its theyre opinion deal with it and move on.
I actually love this book, though I am not going to kill anybody who doesn't like it... I like how Stephanie Meyers can make a fictional story seem so real. There is also nothing wrong with loving Edward Cullen... as long as you are not obsessed with him and think you are actually gonna like marry him ar something...

Well :l
I read the whole series.
At first I liked it but then it was getting really corny and annoying
I think Edward is kind of sexy, physically, mentally he's like OMG SHUT THE FUCK UP! and bella is a freaking dumb girl T_T
I hate it and I like it. It's complicated D=
But well if you don't like it, Ok, if you love it, Ok. xD
It's just a best seller, like Harry Potter =l
And yes, I'm going to watch the movie, and it's gonna be crap ^^
Want to watch the movie!!!
Hate how the Cullen's family will be portrayed. The actors are not the best suited for it.
Omg Thanks And A Thousand Splendid Suns

THANKYOU! WOW YOU know i went on youtube and someone was going on about how awesome it was and i said the EXACT SAME THING AND SAID GO READ SOME GOOD BOOKS LIKE JELLICOE ROAD AND THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS. wow hi5.
i thought it was predictable, boring and too perfect too. the vampires are more like saints.
I don't know who else has heard of it but I swear everywhere single place I go, I keep hearing about this book called "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyers and it is driving me insane!!! I have actually read it and it was terrible. It's directed towards 15 year old girls whose only concern is meeting the perfect guy who will rescue her and basically take care of her and blah, blah, blah ( I’m 14 read the Twilight didn’t bother with the rest of the series), a Prince Charming if you will. It's complete rubbish! The guy is a vampire (yes you heard me) and literally saves the girl like 5 times throughout the book. That is basically the point out of it. I seriously laughed out loud while reading it because it was so predictable and pointless. (Yes I read it. I do not believe in criticizing or praising a book without reading it first) It's 450 pages of a girl somehow getting in trouble and then what's his face comes in the nick of time. And this was an assignment for Honors English, so yes in some sort of way; I was forced to read it.
I have been to countless boards, stores, internet sites where I hear these young women praise this book as "The best book they have ever read." Isn't that tragic? That's the problem with today's society. Young women should be reading classics, empowering stories or at least something they can get something out of. All this book does is reinforce the notion that women need to be rescued and that there really is a Prince Charming waiting to be found and that once a girl finds him everything will be happily ever after from then on or if not that she’ll have a godlike amazingly handsome, immortal vampire dude that is willing to kill the world for you. I was at school the other day and actually saw two of my classmates including my TEACHER crying, yes crying about how Edward saved Bella at the end of the book and how much he really loves her and how cute it is, I of course in a daze, nearly fell off of my chair at how pathetic they sounded HE’S A FREAKIN BLOODY FICTIONOUS CHARACTER, PEOPLE GET A LIFE. I believe in love and I hope every girl who wants to find some amazing guy does but this book is complete nonsense and to hear a 46 year old English teacher dish about how much they love a "Vampire" just really depresses me.
Love isn't magic. There is no such thing as a fairytale and as much as I love the Little Mermaid to believe that's how it turns out with every girl would be a discredit to my intelligence! I would love to see people praise a classic like The Count of Monte Cristo or Pride and Prejudice, The Kite Runner, and A Thousand Splendid Suns. To enjoy a book of fiction or get lost in it is fine but to have faith in it to believe it's what you want for yourself (like marrying a freaking vampire!!! yes, I heard my teacher say she wants to marry this guy!!!) is just mind boggling. Perhaps I am just venting but why oh why is this book getting so much praise?!?!?!
Well, I enjoyed Twilight.

I don't think of it as "great literature" though. Some things in the story I found absolutally annoying, Bella for instance. She makes a very dull main character, it would be better (as someone already said) if she were more rebelious towards Edward. The girl who falls into dangerous situations all the time gets old pretty fast, nevermind four books about it.
It was never the characters Edward or Bella that compelled me to read it though. I just found the writting itself addicting, I couldn't put down the book. It's not well done or artistic or anything, it's just SIMPLE and I find that to be the charm. Also, it's just interesting enough to keep me reading. The only two characters I found myself "in love" with by the end were Jacob Black and Jasper Hale.

That said, Breaking dawn was horrible. I'm not even going to defend it.

So I see why you might dislike it, personally I think you're giving more reason to hate the fans than the actual book. Pre teen fan girl of any variety are annoying, I hate the Edward gushers as much as the next person with a brain.
I have to admit I really struggled to get into it, and at some points I nearly gave up but as I got further into the story It got progressively better.

But if I did hate it, the strongest reason would be this:

It makes you look at your boyfriend, (who when I finished reading the book was sitting on my sofa spilling a can of coke all over his lap) and think "God damnit, your no Edward Cullen. Get the fuck of my sofa and go get biten by a vampire, asshole." If I still wasnt scarily touched by the book at the time, I would of broke up with him in a heartbeat and moved to a place called forks searching crazily for someone called Bella, batter her saddistic clumsy brains out, bury her in a hole and have her vampire boyfriend all to myself.

But I didn't hate it. So lets forget about that ^^ ;
Okay...I completely HATE twilight series
Anyone who guys CRAZY over a fictional character needs to be comitted
Edward bores me, to the point of near mind breaking boredom. He is the highschool jock, the guy who fucks everyone he meets, but has this one special lassie who he "owns".
Bella is the perfect ditzy slut, who gets anything with a fuck and a blowjob.
Sorry about the cruel words, But i encounter these type of people everyday.

Another thing
These books have NO creativity.
They lack uniqueness.
They are boring.