twilight sux dick

i was forced to read twilight for school... to all u little 14 yr old girls its not like the fantasy characters will ever love you back and the only reason that u like it is because the actors are "hot" wich i find kinda perverted. the book sux fat donkey chode no good things about it . i burned my copy. even my teacher a trained proffesional at literature thought it was the worst book she ever read and asked us to burn it. it was the only thing ive read where i felt myself get stupider as i read it. fuck twilight and all twilight fans
Thank ye Gods

I was forced to read the series by friends and read the 1st book quickly, i enjoyed it until I tried to re-read it, then I saw the plot holes and anti feminist message. After trying to tell the rabid fangirls at school how much I hated it I nearly got attacked, they were hissing at me and the twitards dont speak to me anymore. When I read book 4 I finished it, almost threw up and then went to read Pratchett, Rice, Rowling and some Dracula. Thank ye Gods for authors who can write.
I Hate Twilight

I'm an Anti-Twilight Girl. Meyer just rip off Vampire Diaries and added the names Edward and Bella. She could not even develop good characters; so why even created them? I don't know :S .
these crazy twihards. *shakes head like old grandmother*

ok. i have some questions 2 ask you before i start fuming.

1.ARE YOU INSANE!?1?!?!?!?!?!
3.What is your name, address and phone number, just so that i can track you down ank kill You with my super awesom vampire powers THAT I AQUIRED FROM READING THE SERIES!!!!!!!!!! you WANT a cult of angry twilight luvers like mysef at your doorstep at night trying to behead you????? you shouldnt voice an absurd oppinion like this on the internet.
5.(this isnt a question, more of a statment.) you must have not read much good litterature in youre life, because if you cannot appreciate the quality of this art.....YOU ARE MENTALLY UNSOUND!!!!!!!
6.thank you i think i am done fuming.(*takes a deep breath)
7.pls email me at [email protected] i would luv 2 argue with you firther.
byebye, you are insane

um, are you just kidding with us, or are you actually serious? if it's the former, you might want to work on your jokes, because they aren't funny. if it's the latter, you should be in therapy.

the last time i checked, there was a right to freedom of speech. it's also a crime to threaten to murder someone. we are all allowed to have an opinion, and twihards don't have an internet monopoly. i also advise that you don't stalk someone like your precious pedobear eddy-poo. you aren't proving your point, your proving ours, that twilight lovers are crazy teenage girls that have no sense, no grammar or spelling skills, and should be treated for being "MENTALLY UNSOUND!!!!!!!".

PS: do you honestly believe that you have superpowers? you're an even worse case of insane than i thought. i hope you realize that before you kill yourself in a fight believing this, or waiting for edward to save you.
So many things I can say about it..I sadly used to like it. I was younger then. A couple years. Any way, I would always talk about how Edward and Bella's love was true, because I am a creative writer and am a sucker for a romance. I liked the books when the hype was non-existent. After a couple of years went by, I wondered why in God's name I read these books. Looking at them in depth opened my eyes to how poorly written and horridly developed the story was. I am an avid Harry Potter fan, so I am against them for the reason, but also for the story and character aspect. There is nothing there! I have had many times when I thought of re-writing my own Twilight. :/ Well, I'm sticking to HP. :)

I absolutely, entirely hate Twilight. It is a miracle why it was even printed, OR perhaps it is merely a hoax, a moneymaking trick devised by Smeyer to coax idiotic teenage girls into spending all their money on those stupid films and books (I have to admit, it worked).

this is a quote off another website
"all right twilight fans!!!
r u sick and tired of ppl insulting ur fav series?!?!?!?!
do u love the movie?!?!?
do you love the books??!!!
well i hope u get my point and u hate them as much as i do
cause they have no taste and sense
so lets praise this book and give all the characters as much love as possible
cause its a great book and i highly recommend it to any one and dont listen to all those haters...
there all just b****s
lets have more discussions here that the twilight haters sticky
lets bump this thread more than that sticky
come one ppls i know u all love twilight

WOW, Fascist much?
okay, listen. that book is amazing. if you're anyone who's anyone, you would like the book. Now obviousley, you're some dirt poor loser who don't know what they're gettin' into. So go try to earn more money workin' at wal-mart, so you can buy yourself some decent wal-mart clothes. I would say see you there, but im not dirt poor. I'm filthy rich, so wal-mart is not an option for anyone in my class.

Kiss my a**, so what if you're filthy rich. You are still fag for liking that no good excuse for a book. Yeah, you know what shoot yourself in the nuts. If you're so rich. I bet you can pay for the bill.

Two and a half years ago was when I first heard about Twilight. It was all like "OMG dis is liek da best book EVA!!!" and "I WUV EDWARD!!!", so, natrually, with all those positive reviews, I thought that Twilight would be rather intresting to read and I promptly went out and brought the book
Oh, but how wrong I was.

I think half my brain may have melted after that one first chapter. And thats not even that bad: last week I made my mother read the book (if it can be called that) in an attempt to show her just how horrible it was. And guess what: she fell asleep! Ha!

Now, four books on, it's the same never ending story: Bella falls, Edward saves her, Bella loves him even more and then cheats on him with some fury thing with ears (werewolves are meant to be SAVAGE MONSTERS, not oversized bunnies, damnit!)

Now don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of fantasy books: I read Dracula when I was eleven and loved it! I've read and re-read the Night Watch books so many times that I know the stories by heart, and I've been glued to the Warrior Cats series for five years straigh
But Twilight... there's just one word for it's sparkly-fairy contents= FAIL.

Oh, and by the way, imagine if Bella ever wrote a baby name book... if Renesme was her first choice...
If you like, e-mail me at [email protected], and I can give you even MORE reasons why Twilight is a fail!
Omg i love you guys!! I just spent like 2 hours in the movies with my close friends and sure they kinda like it, the book is written in a good way in which to get you hocked! but it is as all of your have said ......... STUPID! Thankyou i finally found a good twlight haters site!
okay, listen. that book is amazing. if you're anyone who's anyone, you would like the book. Now obviousley, you're some dirt poor loser who don't know what they're gettin' into. So go try to earn more money workin' at wal-mart, so you can buy yourself some decent wal-mart clothes. I would say see you there, but im not dirt poor. I'm filthy rich, so wal-mart is not an option for anyone in my class.

If you are so rich, why have you not received a proper education? People have their own opinions, something only non-twilight-loving readers realize, as reason to why you people are so obsessed. And I don't mean all twilight fans. You know the ones I am talking about.
Hi. I'm going to be a freshman in high school, and I have to agree. Twilight is horrible.

I enjoy the classics. Sherlock Holmes, Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe, Don Quixote...all earned their places in great literature.

I actually hadn't heard of the series until halfway through seventh grade, when several of my female classmates were talking about the books. I asked them what Twilight was, and this was basically their response: "WHAT YOU HAVEN'T HEARD OF TWILIGHT THAT'S LIKE A CRIME!!!!!"

A couple of months later, to my dismay, I find out that my mom had bought the first book. She told me that I should read 'at least the first book' because that's what's popular with girls my age.

I tried. I did. I managed to finish it, and then threw it into the darkest parts of one of my bookshelves. I have now dug it back out to demonstrate how Bella is pathetic...etc.

" "That's great." I made my voice bright and enthusiastic. "You'll have a lot of fun with Jessica." " (Page 72)
See, she has to MAKE herself sound enthusiastic when with the normal high schoolers. Why? Because she doesn't really care about them at all, because they aren't vampires. They aren't EDWARD.

"That had always been my way, though. Making decisions was the painful part for me..."
(Page 140)
Part of several narrative paragraphs. Basically, it's like telling strangers everything about yourself. "Hi. I'm Bella. I like Edward. Why? Uhhh...I dunno. Cause I do. I hated Forks until I met Edward. I can't make decisions easily...."

"I was indecisive." (Page 145)
Didn't you say that you usually are...five pages ago?

"As was my routine, I glanced first toward the Cullens' table. A shiver of panic trembled in my stomach as I realized it was empty. With dwindling hope, my eyes scoured the rest of the cafeteria, hoping o find him alone, waiting for me. The place was nearly filled -- Spanish had made us late -- but there was no sign of Edward or any of his family. Desolation hit me with crippling strength. I shambled along behind Jessica, not bothering to pretend to listen anymore." (Page 145)
So, what you're saying, Bella, is:

I rest my case. I could continue with examples for the the next hour, such as the majority of Edward's and Jacob's dialogue (I know cause my friend dragged me to all the movies) is:
Edward: I love her.
Jacob: No, I love her.

Anyway, I think I should stop ranting. Yeah.
I too was curious about the book that turned nearly illiterate girls into bookworms and so tried it. I even read to the end of the series... and nearly collapsed out of boredom.

Why I hate Twilight

1 B is a Mary-Sue character with no faults.
2 B is clearly Stephanie Meyer.
3 SM tries to get round this by making Bella really clumsy. This is not a fault as E can catch her all the time.
4 A vampire, if my mind serves me correctly, is an evil creature with fangs who sucks human’s blood, only comes out at night, gets burned by the sun and is scared of garlic. You only have to read Dracula to check this. But SM’s vampires do none of this. Therefore, they are not vampires.
5 There is something very creepy at Carlisle only making teenagers vampires.
6 Vampires sparkle? Seriously?
7 B and E are not in love. A relationship that is solely based on one person finding another attractive, and the other person thinking that she smells nice is not a relationship that can ever last.
8 E is over 100. B is 17. Anyone spot the problem?
9 With the number of old-young romantic relationships, SM clearly has some issues.
10 E hasn’t looked at a woman twice in 100 years – he has some problems.
11 We are supposed to empathise with B, but in reality everyone hates her. Boys hate her because they would never touch the book with a bargepole; girls hate her because they stand in the way of E.
12 E’s chest is perfect. Yes. We know. NOW STOP TELLING US.
13 The reason the book is addictive is because it goes so damn slowly. Every single mundane action is explained in the tiniest detail, which ends with everyone tearing their hair out at the end because they’ve spent hours reading a book that could be summed up in one sentence.
14 The story is the classic yet unimaginative tale of a woman who meets her perfect man who, by some miracle, loves her back. That’s all that happens.
15 New Moon is a blatant and obvious copy of Romeo and Juliet with a happy ending.
16 E is a perfect, beautiful, generous, talented man. Another Mary-Sue.
17 SM gets round this one even worse than B – by making him a vampire.
18 This isn’t really a problem because he’s a ‘good’ vamp.
19 The only character who is ‘real’ and I can actually believe in is Leah. She is portrayed as an arrogant cow.
20 SM wrote four books about nothing. Really.
21 SM’s grammar and writing style are appalling.
22 Not to mention her overuse of her favourite word “chagrin”
23 Her fans seem to have inherited her bad grammar.
24 E and B are in lust, not love.
25 Eventually, B nearly dying and being saved by E just gets boring
26 I have written 25 flaws about Twilight very easily.
27 The reason why every girl loves it is because B is a useless, unmoulded character and anyone can imagine that they’re her.
28 And that every woman in the world is in love with E
29 During the first half of the story, we’re supposed to guess what’s so ‘wrong’ with E. Fine. If you’re doing that, DON’T put ‘E was a vampire’ on the back of the book.
30 E crawling into B’s room at night before they’ve barely spoken is quite disturbing.
31 Come to think of it, there’s quite a lot that’s quite worrying/disturbing in the series, but guess what? None of it is to do with the scariness of the vampires.
32 E is controlling and possessive. It’s a book that centres on male dominance.
33 SM is very clever. She invented a way to get rich by creating a perfect couple who do nothing. Oh, wait, she didn’t invent that. She nicked it from someone else.
34 SM hasn’t made anything original. It’s all taken from something/someone else.
35 Hundreds of people have written on the internet that they hate the series. No-one ever bothered writing a list of why they like it.
36 Twilight fans verbally (and sometimes physically) abuse everyone who doesn’t say that the books are perfect and E is the best man that ever lived. I wouldn’t mind, but they can’t even use correct grammar. This is a genuine quote: “hi!!!!!!!!!!! ugly i know you hate kristen stewart!!!!!!!
all people hate you too!!!!!!!!!!!
kristen stewart is more beautiful than you!!!!!
you look like a dead cat!!!!!!” – this was delivered to a model. Who looks ‘like a dead cat’.
37 The films, which deserve a list all on their own just for being so awful, but I’ll have to make do with this list.
38 Kristen Stewart can’t act. Biting your lip to look innocent and looking as if you hate being on camera is not acting. She was only chosen because she looks like Bella. If the love of my life told me he loved me, I would not look indifferent and slightly grumpy. But Stewart does.
39 Kristen Stewart can’t act (part 2). Robert Pattinson has been signed up for many other films since Twilight – and before. Stewart hasn’t. Why? Because she can’t act.
40 None of the actors in Twilight can act. They were all chosen because of their physical appearances, so they looked just like the characters in the book.
41 That’s what happens when the author gets directly involved with the filming.
42 The directors keep leaving. There’s been a different one for each film so far. Was Stewart’s grumpy face too much for them?
43 6 montages in one film is just a teensy bit over the top.
44 It’s full of goofs, bloopers and grammatical errors. Just like the book. [B had been in Forks 1 month whilst E had been watching her for 2 months. See?]
45 A woman divorced her husband (leaving several children) because she hoped her E would come.
46 The above is proof that Twilight will destroy the earth.
47 It was so bad I bothered to write this many reasons why I hated it.
I love Twilight. I am 14 so maybe the books are aimed at people my age, and yes the love between bella and Edward is a bit predictable but it's a book guys! The Twilight haters are worse than the Twilight lovers! I mean, everyone should have a opinion - that's why we live in a democracy - but some of these comments are taking it to extremes - both ways! I know that things don't work out like that in real life but sometimes isn't it nice just to sit back and read something that is so non-fictional and so lovely that you can get lost and swept up in the romance of it all? Well I do, so I'm going to continue to be obsessed by Twilight and all things Edward Cullen and I think that the haters just need to take a chill pill.
what happened to the old vampires? come oooonee theres no love for count dracula these days

It's horrible. It's completely destroyed vampire movies with it's sparkling vampires.

Wtf was Stephenie Meyer thinking, sparking vampires? Jesus Christ. And the fact that in the movie, all the vampires happen to be out in the sunlight. They would die.

Again, it's ruined vampire movies.
Watz wrong wit u ppl? Itz a book series and itz Characters dont exist. Edward And Bella are imaginary ppl. Twilight doesnt carry a whole lot of realism. Itz a fantasy land with a fantasy plot. So WAKE UP!
This thread is super old but I still want to post because I WANT TO TELL EVERY SINGLE PERSON HOW MUCH I HATE TWI--f*******--light, I can't stand them AAAAAAGH it is so retarded and dumb and stupid : oooooowwwiiiiiii vampires in highschool ooooooo so magical wwwoooowwwiiii let's suck some blood after school what do you say. Vampires are meant to be in movies like blade, or underworld, but we cannot compare twilight to those because it is about a different species of vampires you see they are not bloodsuckers no sir not at all these are 100% true COCKSUCKERS:big laugh: