Twilight is gay, seriously what vampire sparkles in the sunlight? And whats up with the twitards that are in love with it? I don't mind people's opinions but seriously people who want to bash people up for saying it sucks? eg. first person who replied to the thread “do you WANT a cult of angry twilight luvers like mysef at your doorstep at night trying to behead you?????" and comparing your life to some fantacy book "What is your name, address and phone number, just so that i can track you down ank kill You with my super awesom vampire powers THAT I AQUIRED FROM READING THE SERIES!!!!!!!!!!” its stupid and immature to think that this fantacy book is your life!!!!!!!!!
. . .

the second commenter is a fucking retard.
i read twilight right back when no one knew about it, like 06. it was ok.
now everyone thinks twilight is the best thing ever.
i have ripped up pages of magazines with kristen stewart and that tramp robert pattinsons face on. i can't stand these bastards that think that this necrophilla- pediophilic book is the bible.
basically, everyone that loves bella thinks that:
they should have no personality.
this will get them loads of male attention.
they will get to mess around with younger boys and make them think you are in love with them while you still have a boyfriend.
its ok to get depressed wen the boyfriend you have ditched all you friends for leaves you and you have bo one to be dependant on.
it is ok to get married and have a child by the age of 18.
your boyfriend can pick you up and drop you when ever.
your boyfriend can kidnap you so you dont see your friends.

what bollocks.

I agree with the person above, but they should get some spelling lessons.
And there are so many biological errors with twilight.
These include the fact that Meyer states that the vampires cannot have children because the female vampires do not have periods, because they have no blood. So how it is that Edward can have sex when he clearly needs blood to get an erection?
Also, Bella’s cut arm is nothing in comparison to the amount of blood she would lose each month in a period. How would she be able to spend all the time with the Cullen’s?

These are just a few errors in twilight’s biology, and Mayer has made no attempt to correct them. Idiot.
a public service announcement

This is a message to twilight super fans. I have not read the books, or seen the films, but i can say something about the twilight series.

I am assumimg that you are about 15 years old, and love the book because it puts the ideas of everlasing romance etc etc into your heads. You now want a boy who will care for you always, but be tortured inside. Also, amber eyes are essential.

Its quite possible that you have twilight posters or other merchandise in your room. I can tell you, as a 15 year old boy, theres is no single thing which is more offputting then to hear your girlfriend say that she loves twilight, or even worse, to act upon this strange belief that twilight is in any way entertaining or worthy of the ridiculous praise it gets. All the hyserical fandom that comes with the twilight series is horrible. If you want a boyfriend (which frankly will be hard seeing as your a twilight freak) then forget about twilight. well thats my two cents =3

I'm 13 but I know good literature when I read it,
Twilight is a cheap knock off of another book written way before it.
>they are both written in the female heroine's point of view
>they both include more than one vampire ( 1 being the hero )
and so many more but the book twilight imitates it acctualy well written with a descent background story.
This twilight fad is madness,
if you like twilight fair enough I don't have a problem with you liking it I have a problem with the rubbish written in the book but why do I get hate just because I feel this is a badly written piece of literature.

And the crazy fans who say they will kill you if you dont like twilight....

and stop wasting your lives trying to be Mrs ____ Cullen


ok. i have some questions 2 ask you before i start fuming.

1.ARE YOU INSANE!?1?!?!?!?!?!
3.What is your name, address and phone number, just so that i can track you down ank kill You with my super awesom vampire powers THAT I AQUIRED FROM READING THE SERIES!!!!!!!!!! you WANT a cult of angry twilight luvers like mysef at your doorstep at night trying to behead you????? you shouldnt voice an absurd oppinion like this on the internet.
5.(this isnt a question, more of a statment.) you must have not read much good litterature in youre life, because if you cannot appreciate the quality of this art.....YOU ARE MENTALLY UNSOUND!!!!!!!
6.thank you i think i am done fuming.(*takes a deep breath)
7.pls email me at [email protected] i would luv 2 argue with you firther.
byebye, you are insane

I like it when "twihards" post things like this because they're just proving that the sort of people who like twilight are insane, rude and are as dense as the planet Pluto.
Twilight Comic

I wouldn't say I HATE Twilight, I just found it boring and nonsensical. My friend and I also made a comic about it if anyone would like to check it out The Cutting Room

All the best.
Just here to vent

I don't particularly like Twilight. I've got nothing against vampire stories or anything, but Twilight? I'm kinda not okay with a humanoid invincible species getting named vampires but I've read a lot and it's not THAT far-fetched. (In my opinion) Apart from that I agree with pretty much all Twilight haters.

Oh. And from what I've seen of Twilight fans, the impression I've got is pretty negative. Dissing people doesn't help anything.
Ninety percent of the people in my school like Twilight, but not up to an insane extent. Nine percent don't like it and are rather annoyed. One person is insane about it.

Teacher: I watched Twilight yesterday.
Too-crazy fangirl: I know! It rocks! It's like the best book ever! And . . .
Teacher: I fell asleep halfway through it.
Me: LOL *High-five*

I agree with the last part. But I do understand the reason this book is chosen above other, better written books.
1. The angsty, argumentative, feisty, "chase me" love story has been don to death. I absolutely cannot count the number of books that center around the man tirelessly convincing the woman that he deserves a relationship with her. Now that really is a fantasy. No sane male would chase someone for 200 pages. It is very refreshing to have the two protagonists fall in love for the real reason we all do; chemistry! Love at first sight happens all the time. We usually know if there is a possible spark instantly. Then I look for other criteria as well, but there is nothing like instant attraction. Its heady, and well represented here. You can think I am shallow, if you like, but I am not. Its nice that she admits to what she feels right away. Thats one reason people are drawn to the story.
Also there is almost no inexplicable drama. Bella knows what she wants and knows not to hurt people to get it. She never worries about BS stuff like Edward taking over her life. This odd worry appears in practically every romance book ever written. WHAT does it mean? I have never in my life thought anything that weird about a potential relationship. Its not very realistic. Who out there worries that a guy is TOO protective, TOO helpful, TOO, TOO aware of our needs wealthy even? NO one. We all wish we got more help from our men, not less. Also she wants to be a vampire, which I imagine most people would in reality. In books however the woman is expected to protest and only recieve the obvious blessings of eternal youth through an accident. This book is honest.

It's nice to see someone who likes Twilight and isn't rude and insane. I don't really agree personally. But well presented.
I'll admit, in my sophomore year a friend of mine recommended Twilight (This is when almost NOBODY had any idea what it was), and I was thinking 'Vampires, really?' but she said that it was good, so I read it. I thought it was amazing, and read all of the books, increasing getting more bored as it went on. Breaking Dawn's ending disappointed me because of the lack of conflict. I mean, YEAH, Bella is pregnant with some half-vampire that is going to rip her to shreds, but you KNOW that she is going to be turned into a vampire. The Volturi didn't unleash hell on the other group of vampires. They just talked. WTF?

Then I discovered TV Tropes-among other sites-that explained why Twilight was a horrible series, and I agreed completely. I've honestly read fanfiction better than Twilight.

I agree about Bella being a Mary-Sue. She passes out at the sight of blood, but it's only mentioned ONCE. She's clumsy, but it's a way for someone to save her if she trips into trouble. She's pretty, an Author Avatar, and she's in a love triangle with the two hottest supernatural beings in the area. And don't get me started on personality...

By the way, I was thinking about reading Interview With a Vampire, and my mom said that it was great. Is it worth the read?
I completely DISAGREE I loved the book Twilight and the rest of the seires. I have been watching the trailer FOREVER intil the movie came out. Edward should be cuter but um..yea I believe that you guys are total MORONS!!! It's the best and I'm dieing to watch the movie...k? Whatever I read I am totally in love with it. It's like saying Harry Potter is a total crap k?

I'm a fan of the whole Harry Potter series but it's just a matter of opinion. People can say Harry Potter is crap. It's a bit unusual for anyone to say that, though.
Are you Insane?!?!?! How can you not like twilight!!! The first one was a lil' boring at first but if you read the rest of the series it's a whole lot better!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously,unless you want all of us Twilight fans to hunt you down and attack you then stop talking mean about it!!! Hehehehehe!! C'mon you had to of atleast one time think of dating him??!! And who is going to read a classic? Obviously you're then only who probably will who's 14,no offense. Haven't you ever thought of being a vampire while reading the book? It would be really cool,and to meet a guy who loves you and is perfect who takes care of you no matter what?! Dude...., Fans like me are sooo gonna hate you!! What's so wrong about dreaming or whatever about a guy that's a vampire who's perfect and will do anything in the world for you? Back to my point... Just grow up and get over yourself kay?! If you don't us Cullens will find you,we're good at tracking..... watch out sweetie lolz jk!!! Anywho get over yourself and forget about it nobody cares bout your opinion!


-Alexandria Marie Cullen♥

You are totally right. My sister hates twilight so much that in twilight (movie) she fell asleep but in new moon she laughed cause it was stupid. See we are one family that agrees.
ok. i have some questions 2 ask you before i start fuming.

1.ARE YOU INSANE!?1?!?!?!?!?!
3.What is your name, address and phone number, just so that i can track you down ank kill You with my super awesom vampire powers THAT I AQUIRED FROM READING THE SERIES!!!!!!!!!! you WANT a cult of angry twilight luvers like mysef at your doorstep at night trying to behead you????? you shouldnt voice an absurd oppinion like this on the internet.
5.(this isnt a question, more of a statment.) you must have not read much good litterature in youre life, because if you cannot appreciate the quality of this art.....YOU ARE MENTALLY UNSOUND!!!!!!!
6.thank you i think i am done fuming.(*takes a deep breath)
7.pls email me at [email protected] i would luv 2 argue with you firther.
byebye, you are insane

The grammatical errors on this post are pathetic. Just goes to show that people who think Twilight is incredible don't know what real literature is.

There is a chance that this is sarcasm but unfortunately for this poster, he failed to realize that sarcasm cannot be noticed in text
Twilight is no love story. I'ts full of sexism and abuse from Edward and Jacob. The charaters are overrated and Bella has no confidence for herself. Stephen King (the King of horror) is right to say SM can't write, because it's true. She's properly nice and all but come on... I fear for the future of literture. Twilight was also the worst movie I have ever seen in my life, with depressing characters and pathectic vampire fights, with Bella cowarding in the corner screaming for Edward and Jacob to come and protect her. Some role-model.

Oh my god. I am 13 and absolutely LOATHE all the attention it's getting. All the girls in my class and yes, even some of the boys, are completely obsessed with twilight. I consider myself an avid fantasy reader and I am familiar with most, if not all, stereotypes in the wonderful fantasy genre. Twilight, however is the most cliche, stereotypical, mindnumbing load of absolute CRAP I have ever seen in a book. I have never been overly fond of romance and this mound of fluff completely takes it over the edge. Because of my ,ah , "beliefs" all the other girls in my grade shun me and consider me dis-allusioned, while in reality, I'm not the one gushing over how positively "dreamy" a fictional, shallow book character is. Honestly. Bella is a complete mary sue and edwards is a creepy emo that shimmers in sunlight. I mean, come ON people, this storyline has been used so many times its not even funny(not that it was in the first place...) And don't even get me started on the werewolves. Let me put it this way. Dragons, elves and dwarves could each completely OWN a vampire in like 10 seconds.
Overall, Twilight utterly disgusts me.
Edward is darn sparkly

Bella and Mary Sue are nothing alike. Mary Sue is a thousands times better than Bella. At least Mary Sue redeemed herself by dumping her boyfriend-Bella did no such thing. I recently took a trip to Target and found an entire section of Twilight if that wasn't disgusting enough..I also found a shirtless guy doll thing. And my gosh I seriously hope that wasn't Edward. I'm at a loss here. What is so exiting about Edward? Why do people think he's charming with good looks? Because all I see is a freaky, big headed, glarey eyed, comic book faced, stalker. They're selling pictures of him! Who would want THAT staring at you all night? Not me. I hope they don't make an anime out of twilight. The very thought is making my nights sleepless.

What do you prefer? Sense or sparkly?

When I was thirteen vampires used to be the coolest thing to me.
Then Twilight struck.And it crumpled up every thing a vampire should be and stomped on it until only a pretty boy was left.
Well now I've moved on from vampires. But there is some good news! I've recently discovered Cirque Du Freak. And it's everything a vampire should be in my eyes. Plus it's main focus isn't on vampires and how they make the perfect boyfriend

You say team Edward.
I say team Darren.
>.> I'm better

I made a better chapter of a book than this whole book... On my first try >.< If you notice, Edward is never really described to us other than being pale, having blond hair and being skinny and ripped. Let's not forget...
Bella: "Edward, why do you love me?"
Edward: "CUS U SMELLZ GUD!!!"

JohnLeaf on deviantART Check out the story called "Deadly Horizon". Seriously, it sucks yet it's better than Twishit >.> Plus I use better grammar than the book o.o 0.o
I hope no one beheads me.

Ok, I know this is late so I bet you won't read it, but I want to voice my opinion. I'm trying to keep a level-head so I don't have an angry cult of twilight lovers trying to behead me. Ok, the first book, was good in my opinion. I liked how Edward was mysterious and the whole plot starts to work out. Not the BEST book I've ever read, but I enjoyed reading it. The second book, uh, where do I begin. Let's start with the positives, in the movie Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black) had a six, excuse me, EIGHT pack. The book dragged on and on. I skipped to the end to see if Edward comes back. Very boring for the 300 pages in between. The only parts I liked were the parts where Laurent came back, and when they talked with the Volturi (even that part was a little slow). The book Eclipse was as good as twilight. Not the best book, but an enjoyable read. I enjoyed the battle scene and the whole "Bella has to make a choice thing" I knew it was going to be Edward in the end, but my friend tricked me by saying it was Jacob. And, oh god, breaking dawn. I think that book broke more than dawn. It was VERY, VERY random. All the things about vampires (like they can't have babies) was completely ignored. Bella ends up getting everything she wants in the end (a total Mary Sue). SM said that vampires are CRAZY and BLOOD-THIRSTY for the first couple of years. Bella (Mary Sue) didn't even slip up once (except for Jacob because she was mad). The end scene with the Volturi was bad. I wanted Bella to BEHEAD the Volturi. Now THAT'S a good fight scene. I thought the series was ok, but not the BEST book ever. Read Harry Potter. They're really good.
P.S To that one twilight lover. What is wrong with you? You can't just go around beheading people for they're opinions. Read Harry Potter. Almost everyone loves Harry Potter, so it will be harder to find people to behead. Oh, and go to a grammar class. Your spelling needs A LOT of work. You know a lot of twilight fans have bad spelling and grammar. You just prove the point. Best of luck.
i hate twilight

that is so awesome hahaha you are my hero lol