Anyone know the answer to this riddle?


May 23, 2008
Ok so this warden go to this 3 jail mates and takes them into this room he walks over to a table where there is 3 white hats and 2 black hats "i'm going to blindfold you all,when I take the blindfolds off I want you to tell me what color hat your wearing."and the warden does so.when he takes the blindfold off the first guy he asks the question.not know the jail mate stays quiet,so the warden moves on he goes to the second guy and takes his blindfold off.he asks the question but not knowing the jail mate stay finally the warden goes to the last jail mate and asks him the same question.he answers and is set free
How'd he do it and what color was his hat???
Please no rude comments
He was wearing a white hat. There were 2 black hats and my guess is that the first two jail mates were wearing black ones. The third jail mate saw the 2 wearing black hats and knew there were only white left.
He was wearing a white hat. There were 2 black hats and my guess is that the first two jail mates were wearing black ones. The third jail mate saw the 2 wearing black hats and knew there were only white left.
I believe he knew because when he looked over at the other jail mates he saw 2 black hats. There were only two black hats, so he had to assume that his hat was white.