Anyone laughing at my Lions playoff prediction now?

only week 2....this is not a popularity contest like college football....there is no poll......the Lions still need to get at least 11 wins.
No i was never laughing...people have been laughing at me for months for saying that

but i wish bob costas hadn't just talked about the lions superbowl chances...for pete's sake it's week 2, don't jinx em. if the lions don't make the postseason, the will have to eat a lot of crow
The Chiefs are, surprisingly, the worst team in the league as of right now. They beat the Bucs by a score. The Lions are actually looking like a decent team finally... but I hope you're not expecting a deep playoff run from them this year after beating those two teams. But I expect you're hoping... which is fine.

The Chiefs got rolled by the Bills.
Well if you included them in the playoffs then yes...they barely beat a decent Bucs team and beat a team the Bills beat just as bad. The weirdest things always happen at the start and of the seasons.
They have a long way to go still. They have all their division games left, plus they play the Cowboys, the Niners, the Broncos, the Falcons, the Saints, the Raiders, and the Chargers. That is a brutal schedule when you have to play the Packers and the Bears TWICE each. As much as I love the Chiefs (second favorite team), I think people expected too much from them based on the fact that they overachieved. Tampa is a decent team, but was another team that overachieved last year. Lions look good, but to make the playoffs they have beat each team in their division at least once and split their out of division games. I see them going 8-8 or 9-7. But that would probably still put them behind the Packers, Bears, Eagles, whoever wins the NFC West, and possibly another team in the NFC East. It will be very tough for them, but not out of reach.

Let's see when they get into the meat of their schedule and how they respond to real competition, which will start with Minnesota next week.
no one was laughing. but the chiefs lost one of the best safeties in the league for an entire season.
no i didnt think they would make the playoffs but i did think that they would be at least a .500 i didnt think they would make the playoffs cause i thought the packers would win the NFC north and either the saints or falcons would win the wildcard whoever didnt win the division and either the bears or cowboys would get the second wildcard spot but now i think they could definitely get that spot
It's only two games into the season. Don't get your panties in a bunch. They still have time to screw it up. The chiefs are not that good of a team.

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