Anyone who has read GOSSIP GIRL BOOK 1. Best answer!=]?


New member
Mar 4, 2011
So for english class we had to pick an independent reading book and i picked gossip girl. My english teacher said it was fine, and im in 9th grade. Anyway i have already read it but decided to re read it to have it fresh in my head. The assignment it to write in the point of view of one of the characters and write a diary entry. I decided to do it on Serena and how she comes back and basically has no friends. This is what I have so far...but it has to be 2 pages and i dont know what else to bring up! please help!! and im not asking u to write it for me just more ideas to go off of. Thanks

Dear diary,
The worst thing that could possibly happen to me is happening. I am one of those people who come home after school because I have no friends to hang out with and who goes to the movies alone because I have no one to go with. I just got back to Manhattan, and now everything is different, ill start from the beginning. Ever since I came back from boarding school it’s all changed. My best friend, Blair, won’t talk to me anymore and I have no idea why. Maybe she’s upset that I didn’t call or stay in touch while I was away at school in Connecticut…now that I think about it I never even told her I was leaving. Everything just happened so fast and I had to get away. I’m back because I was Europe for the summer and forgot to make it back for the first few weeks of my junior year. Whoops. I didn’t really think it was that big of a deal but I guess it was since I got kicked out. Also my other best friend, Nate, who happens to be Blair’s boyfriend won’t talk to me. Maybe Blair told him to stay away from me; she probably did since she has always been protective over him. It’s a good thing she doesn’t know what really happened between Nate and I last summer or she would probably kill me herself. Actually, she might already know considering word travels fast around here.