Are homosexuals required to be celibate in Judaism?


New member
Sep 17, 2011
I wish to convert to Judaism, but the prerequisite is to commit to keep all of the Jewish law (the 613 mitzvot, I believe).

However, I identify as a lesbian, and as this would be considered sexual immorality, this would go against the Jewish law. Does this mean I would have to be celibate? By celibate, I mean by not having a wife/girlfriend and not having sexual intercourse with a woman.
Ask a rabbi.
If he starts throwing up and/or throwing stones at you: probably not that denomination.
There are many denominations in Judaism. The more liberal are very accepting.
They probably don't, but this is totally against Torah but Jewish law is mostly man made, so why worry about it.
I don't think any of the Abrahamic religions even recognise drinking from the furry cup as "intercourse".

They are only obsessed with male bum fun.
Can't you just do what everyone else does and find a denomination, and/or faith that suits you, whether it contradicts your dogma or not?

Discovering who you are as a human being is the most important thing you can do, rather than allowing others to discover it for you.