Are there specific things that you dream about regularly?


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Not necessarily a recurring dream, but just a dream in which you are in the same setting.

I usually tend to dream about being in the hospital, or having to run away from kidnappers (it's generally a group of people). Or maybe a combination of the two (I once had a dream where I had to run away from lunatic doctors, haha).
If I ever have a dream, that's what it usually is about. Hospitals and running. I can't think of any dream I've had lately that hasn't been about either one or the other.
Last night I had a dream that I was in a hospital full of douche bag staff members, and the night before I was kidnapped into a house full of nutty children and adults, and was trying to escape. I managed to finally escape after everyone was distracted by a gorilla in a cage on top of a palm tree in their neighbor's yard. =)

What about you?
What do you think that says about who you are, if you think it means anything?

Personally, I believe the hospital dreams are really nothing important other than signifying how much I do not want to go back there.
Kidnapping dreams - no idea. But then again, they are just dreams...