Are you supposed to openly show that you're interested in someone?


May 13, 2008
Sometimes I wonder when a guy is being extra nice towards me, if he likes me. Usually I'm dead wrong so I don't assume anything, but I never know if a guy is just being friendly or if he actually wants to date me. The last encounter with a guy who was SUPER interested in me was very obvious and it was almost creepy. I found out because my friends showed me his messages confessing his love for me, but thankfully his feelings lessened and he moved on. On the other hand, one of my male friends is VERY afraid of being rejected (even when he knows that the girl likes him back) and with his current girlfriend, he waited nearly two years to ask her out!

I admit that I get frustrated sometimes since I've only been approached (or rather stalked) by two or three guys in my whole life (high school senior). I don't go looking for love and I suppose people see me as plain since I don't dress up everyday (although I'm nice and friendly to practically everyone). I don't necessarily complain to people about it; I'm fine with being single. But should I go looking for a boyfriend when I'm interested in someone and actually be aggressive with it? I'm not a passive person, but sometimes I don't take action because I don't know how the other person feels about me.

Have you ever encountered someone who liked you/wanted to date, but you never found out until much later (meaning he kept his feelings a secret)? Or are guys just very plain and straightforward when they have feelings for someone? Have they always been obvious towards you or were you constantly overanalyzing and trying to figure him out?