Arguing about my makeup and hair, of all things?


Jun 6, 2008
My husband and I have been married for 3 years. I used to wear full makeup and take an hour to fix my hair. At first my husband liked it, but after we were married he said that it was a bit "vain" for me to constantly need hair and makeup to go anywhere. So I toned it down, and eventually after a few more comments like that, I stopped doing it completely. My husband also wasn't the only one with the vanity gripes either, several in my family had said something about it too, so I didn't get upset, I just over a period of time stopped worrying about how I looked.

I've barely worn makeup for a year now, and haven't visited a hair salon either. I may put makeup on every couple of months, but that's it. I also changed my wardrobe to tshirts and sweats most of the time. I thought this would end the debate, but now my husband is complaining that I no longer take care of myself, and is begging me to go back to the way I used to look. I'm reluctant after all the nitpicking over the issue to begin with, and I'm confused about his sudden turnaround on the issue. He's even bought hair dye and nail polish and offered to do it himself! Are there any men who can comment on this, and be honest and tell me whether I took it too far? I'm looking for honest answers.
The only issue you had was listening to your husband and not doing what made you feel good and what you like to do in the first place. You shouldn't be wearing make up for him, you shouldn't be doing your hair for him, you shouldn't be wearing sweats all day for him! You should be only doing these things for YOU! You need to learn to be your own person and do what you want to do with yourself.

My man hates that I wear lipstick, does it stop me, hell ho! I just know not to expect to be kissed while its on an that's fine with me.
Do what makes you comfortable. Pray about this and tell your husband to leave you alone concerning this since he doesn't like the result. Hope this helps
Tell your husband that you've done EVERYTHING he asked:

You've taken a lot of time with your makeup and hair--and he didn't like it.

You've down played the makeup and hair--and he doesn't like it.

You've stopped focusing on your makeup and hair--and he doesn't like that, either.

So, tell him to find someone in a magazine that he thinks looks great ALL THE TIME, UNDER ALL CONDITIONS, and you will try to meet those expectations. BUT if you look and dress like the person he picks, that he'd better NOT open his mouth your appearance ever, ever, EVER again!