As a fascist cop rings the cranial bell of a working class activist does a US


Dec 29, 2008
richclass bankster get his wings? “Anti-Wall Street demonstrators marched against New York police on Tuesday, accusing… officers of excessive force when carrying out arrests during a month-long protest campaign against economic inequality.”

So, when a US fascist cop rings the cranial bell of a US working class activist, does another US richclass bankster get his wings?

Does an angel get his wings every time a US bank fails? It's a wonderful life.

Another fat cat Wall Street corporate CEO gets yet another spreadsheet of near-free assets from yet another failed bank. What an angelic experience.

(You'll pay the liabilities for the wings.)
Why are Wall Street banks bailed out -- and then handed the assets of failed local banks nationwide...?

...while you are handed the liabilities of failed local banks nationwide?

Now, don't tell me it's against plutocrat law to bail out hundreds and thousands of local banks? Are they "too small not to fail"? Certainly Wall Street banks are "too big to fail to inherit small banks' assets"? Certainly all that has occurred with big bank bailouts (funded by you) and inheritance of small bank assets is NOT against plutocrat law.

"As larger banks have scooped up the failed ones, ..."

"'Banks that are holding on by their fingernails aren't going to be able to hold on that much longer,' said Bill Bartmann, who… buys distressed bank assets." (Are those champagne corks I hear?)

"Analysts expect more small banks will go under. Estimates are for 160-200 banks to close this year, and a similar number next year."
I haven't heard any news about tea party activists being attacked. The OWS have never held a job so they can't be accused of being a "working class activist".