Atheists have so much 'faith', it might exceed that of christians?

Wrong on so many levels. Science and atheism have little to do with each other. The definition listS the ARCHAIC meaning and those are the terms in which you chose to see us. Countries come and go, and this also has nothing to do with atheism. I take responsibility for the things I do and once again you equate morality with godliness. UTTER AND COMPLETE FAIL.
Definition of ATHEISM

1. archaic : ungodliness, wickedness
a : a disbelief in the existence of deity
b : the doctrine that there is no deity
Also, there is NO doctrine for my atheism.
Belief in a magical being requires more faith than just accepting that we don't know the origin of the universe.

"They have faith that America will continue to be #1 and never fall to enemies" - Many atheists aren't even American.