Atheists, scenario: Your manager has sealed off a substantial portion of...


New member
Aug 1, 2012
...your recreation room for use....? as a multi-faith prayer room, in line with democratic values. What say you?
I don't care. Hey, your minister has sealed off a portion of your church for a mosque while one is being built down the street. What say you????
a) I run my own business, and don't have a "manager."
b) encouraging religion in the workplace is ridiculous -- and it's not "in line with democratic values."
c) if someone wants to do that, they can. If they encourage employees to practice any religion, they're acting unconstitutionally; if they discriminate against any religion, they're acting unconstitutionally. There's a very small area where their actions would be fully legal, and that area is very easy to get out of, which is why few companies would ever do any such thing -- lawsuits would be inevitable.

If they don't force me to pray and let me continue to be an atheist, I just roll my eyes and deal with it like usual.
Sounds fine to me. No pushing values, and it would be a good quiet place to go meditate or just relax.
I say break out my jedi robe, Chewbacca slippers, and lightsaber!

pst... the Jedi are a recognized religion in several countries. As is the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I see your ridiculous religions getting preferential treatment and raise you my own!
I would probably say: "Isn't there a better place for that?" or "Why do you have to put that here?" and try not to be rude.